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My Plan to Go to Around the world By: Benedict/5C.

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Presentation on theme: "My Plan to Go to Around the world By: Benedict/5C."— Presentation transcript:

1 My Plan to Go to Around the world By: Benedict/5C

2 Surabaya-Singapore  Length of Flight: 1 hour 54 minutes  Time Zone: 1 hour ahead  Departure: 4.00 am December 30 th Saturday  Arrive: 4:00+1:54+1:00=6:54 stay for two days

3 Singapore-Rome  Length of Flight: 11 hours, 22 minutes  Time zone: 6 hours behind  Departure: 5:00 am January 1 st Tuesday  Arrive: 5:00+11:22-6:00= 22:22 PM

4 Rome-Kuala Lumpur  Length of flight: 10 hours, 58 minutes  Time zone: 6 hours ahead  Departure: 6:00 am January 2 nd Wednesday  Arrive: 6:00+10:58+6:00= 22:58 PM

5 Kuala Lumpur-Brisbane Length of flight: 8 hours, 21 minutes Time zone: 2 hours ahead Departure: 7:00 am January 3th Thursday Arrive: 7:00+8:21+2:00= 17:21 PM

6 Brisbane-Jakarta o Length of flight: 7 hours 2 minutes o Time zone: 3 hours behind o Departure: 8:00 am January 4 th Friday o Arrive: 8:00+7:02-3:00= 18:02 PM

7 Jakarta-Sydney  Length of flight: 7 hours and 7 minutes  Time zone: 3 hours ahead  Departure: 9:00 am January 5 th Saturday  Arrive: 9:00+7:07+3:00= 19:07 PM

8 Sydney-Los Angles  Length of flight: 15 hours, 34 minutes  Time zone: 17 hours behind  Departure: 10:00 am January 6 th Sunday  Arrive: 10:00+15:34-17:00= 7:34 AM

9 Los Angles-Hawaii  Length of flight: 5 hours 6 minutes  Time zone: 3 hours behind  Departure: 11:00 am January 7 th Monday  Arrive: 11:00+5:06-3:00= 19:06 PM

10 Hawaii-Surabaya  Length of flight: 12 hours 46 minutes  Time zone: 17 hours ahead  Departure: 12:00 PM January 7 th Tuesday  Arrive: 12:00+12:46+17:00= 10:00 AM


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