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Evaluating Sources of Information Is this a good source for my paper?

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Presentation on theme: "Evaluating Sources of Information Is this a good source for my paper?"— Presentation transcript:

1 Evaluating Sources of Information Is this a good source for my paper?

2 Why do I need to check my sources? I want those who read my paper to know I am telling the truth. Mrs. Wardyn does not like information that is not correct.

3 Do I need to check all sources? YES! However, you can usually count on most books to be accurate.most Watch out for websites! Anyone with Internet access can make a website.make a website

4 How do I know if my source is credible? Credible means you can trust the source. Look into it! Authority Content Value

5 Authority Is this something I can believe or trust? Author –What are his/her qualifications? Source/Publisher –Is this a well-respected publication or agency?

6 Content: Accuracy Does it support a claim with accurate evidence? Look at: –Details in context –Statistics, survey results, or facts –Graphs –Expert testimony

7 Content: Bias Is it objective? Objective: Has no opinion. Is there a hidden motive? Does it advocate a particular attitude or belief? Does it have a special interest? Is the information fact, opinion, or propaganda?

8 Content: Bias (Websites) Who sponsors this web site? An educational institution? (.edu)edu A government body? (.gov)gov A non-profit organization? (.org)org A commercial site? (.com)com A company selling Internet services? (.net)net

9 Content: Currency What kind of information do I need for my research? How old is the article? Is this historic information? Do I need more recent or current information for this topic? Is it outdated for my research?outdated Is it relevant for my research?

10 Value Will the information be useful in my research? Is there important information here? Is there enough information here? Should I take notes on this article? Have I recorded all the critical elements of this resource?

11 Helpful Hints Use the school’s databases for credible sources. Stay away sites! When in doubt, throw it out! Find another source. You can use real people as credible sources For example, if your topic is administrators you could interview Mr. Glather!

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