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PSORIASIS BY: Jennifer Teen Health 8 Old Orchard Junior High School.

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Presentation on theme: "PSORIASIS BY: Jennifer Teen Health 8 Old Orchard Junior High School."— Presentation transcript:

1 PSORIASIS BY: Jennifer Teen Health 8 Old Orchard Junior High School

2 DEFINITION Psoriasis is a a chronic skin disease in which the skin cells divide 1,000 times faster than normal. In result there are red lesions and scale with silvery patches all over the skin.

3 Cause Psoriasis has a tendency to be genetically inherited. Recently it has been classified to be a auto-immune disorder (the body’s immune system turning on itself.) Psoriasis reacts. It has a trigger such as a systemic strep infection which can cause the body to go from a wild case to a severe case within days. There are other factors, such as sunlight, which help decrease the severity.

4 Symptoms When you start seeing red patches you should see a doctor immediately. There is no cure for psoriasis,but there are ointments and shampoos to stop the itching and from decreasing the red patches. Some doctors believes that if you bath in salt water it will decrease your patches. Putting on shark oils all over the skin will help too.

5 Treatment Like I said there is no cure, but putting on ointments will help it disappear, but it will appear back in few months or years. Researchers in England found out that putting on 10 fish oil-capsules a day for eight weeks greatly reduces itching, redness, and scaling. People don’t have to worry because Psoriasis is non-contagious. In cause of low self- esteem people take lots of therapy.

6 Other Psoriasis Nail psoriasis Scalp psoriasis Plaque psoriasis Psoriatic arthritis Inverse psoriasis

7 Prognosis Psoriasis is not a life threatening disease, but it does cause low self- esteem. People can live a normal life.

8 Other Information Psoriasis-the word comes from Greece and means “ to itch”. Psoriasis occurs in two percent of the population. It is a very annoying problem that destroys one persons life and social activity.

9 Bibliography WWW.

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