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Overview of the Inter-American Development Bank (IDB Group) Business Opportunities: Focus on the Caribbean 25 June 2008.

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Presentation on theme: "Overview of the Inter-American Development Bank (IDB Group) Business Opportunities: Focus on the Caribbean 25 June 2008."— Presentation transcript:

1 Overview of the Inter-American Development Bank (IDB Group) Business Opportunities: Focus on the Caribbean 25 June 2008

2 Overview Founded in 1959, oldest and largest of the regional multilateral development banks Largest source of development finance for Latin America and the Caribbean 1961-2007: $156 billion in loans Total cost of projects: $353 billion BA, BH, BL, DR, GY, HA, JA, SU & TT and Regional Technical Cooperation

3 Member Countries 47 Member countries 26 Borrowing 21 Non-borrowing (Republic of Korea, 2005)

4 Voting Power / Capital Subscription Latin America and Caribbean (CCB countries typically <0.6%) Japan and Korea 5% United States 30% Canada 4%4% Europe and Israel 11% 50%

5 Loan Approvals 1998 - 2007 (US$ billion)

6 Loan Disbursements 1998 - 2007 (US$ billion)

7 Priorities – Fiftieth Anniversary Water and Sanitation Initiative Education and Innovation Social Cohesion – Opportunities for the Majority Sustainable Energy for Climate Change Initiative (SECCI)

8 Reorganization 2008 Enhancing Country Focus New Instruments and Products “Knowledge” Bank Partnerships (e.g., CDB, Gates Foundation) Risk Management (e.g., safeguards)/ Managing for Results

9 * interim Organizational Structure EVP Daniel Zelikow Secretariat Hugo Beteta External Relations Pablo Halpern Strategic Planning and Dev. Effectiveness Luis Estanislao Echebarría Risk Management Fernando Yñigo Outreach and Partnerships Jamal Khokhar Auditor General Alan Siegfried VP Countries Otaviano Canuto VP Sectors and Knowledge Santiago Levy VP Private Sector and Non-Sovereign Guaranteed Ops Steven Puig VP Finance and Administration Manuel Rapoport Country Dept. Southern Cone Carlos Hurtado Country Dept. Mexico, Central Amer., DR, HA Gina Montiel Country Dept. Andes Alicia Ritchie Country Dept. Caribbean Dora Currea Country Offices Infrastructure and Environment Roberto Vellutini Research and Chief Economist Eduardo Lora Social Sectors Kei Kawabata Trade and Integration Antoni Estevadeordal Institutional Capacity and Finance Mario Marcel Knowledge and Learning Graciela Schamis Structured and Corporate Financing Dept Hans Schulz IIC Jacques Rogozynski MIF Donald Terry Ops for the Majority Luis Ros Finance Edward Bartholomew Human Resources J. M. Fariña* Info. Tech. Simon Gauthier Budget/Admin. John Hauge Legal James Spinner PRESIDENT Luis A. Moreno

10 IDB Group Operations Public sector loans with sovereign guarantee; investment, policy-based and emergency loans; grants: Private sector loans and guarantees through the Structured and Corporate Finance Dept. (up to 10% of loans outstanding), primarily for infrastructure and capital markets projects: Expanded mandate: loans to subnational entities without sovereign guarantee Inter-American Investment Corporation (IIC): SME loans < $10 million Multilateral Investment Fund (MIF): grants for microfinance, training, business regulation and deregulation; loans; and equity funds. Remittances.

11 Project Cycle ProgrammingIdentificationPreparation Analysis Negotiation and Approval Execution and Supervision Borrower & Bank Bank 6-12 months Project ProfileProcurement Plan Borrower & Bank Country Strategy Borrower & Bank Borrower & Bank EIA - ESMR Borrower & Bank Project Report

12 2008 Project Pipeline by Sector 17% 15% 13% 12% 6% 18% 4%

13 Bolivia: Cotapata-Santa Barbara Road

14 Sources of Information

15 Sources of Information 2

16 Sources of Information 3

17 Sources of Information 4

18 Sources of Information 5

19 Barbados: Coastline Sanitation

20 Contact Us Offices of the Executive Directors Office of External Relations John P. Ferriter tel. 1 202-623-1394, Public Information Centers at headquarters, Country Offices, Paris and Tokyo HQ: tel. 1 202.623.2096, COF:

21 CDB: Concessional funds for reconstruction

22 Thank you!

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