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Yr Wyddor a As in apple b As in balloon c As in cat ch As in loch d As in dump dd As in then e As in when f As in very ff As in off g As in good ng As.

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Presentation on theme: "Yr Wyddor a As in apple b As in balloon c As in cat ch As in loch d As in dump dd As in then e As in when f As in very ff As in off g As in good ng As."— Presentation transcript:


2 Yr Wyddor a As in apple b As in balloon c As in cat ch As in loch d As in dump dd As in then e As in when f As in very ff As in off g As in good ng As in bang h As in house i As in see j As in Jones l As in lion ll l + hiss m As in magician n As in not o As in orange p As in parrot ph As in photo r As in rice rh As in Rhiwbina s As in sock t As in tackle th As in think u As in keen w As in cool y As in jump or tin or seen ae, ai, auei, euwy, oe, oi As in boy aw As in how si As in shop


4 Syniadau wrth gyflwyno’r llyfr Suggested activities when introducing the book Read the text to the pupils; Give pupils an opportunity to discuss the text and pick out familiar words and phrases though there is NO NEED to translate every single word; Ask pupils to listen out for certain elements of the text, eg questions or verbs. Make it fun! Pupils could stand or wave every time they hear the element; Read the book again, asking pupils to insert the elements that they had been listening out for; Consider expression! Look at punctuation. Have a competition: an Expression Off! Read words or phrases to the pupils in English, asking them to find that phrase in the text and read it back to the class. This could be done in pairs or groups; Split the text up, asking groups of pupils to read different parts or characters; Have a relay read, eg one pupil reads the first page and then nominates another pupil to read the next and so on.

5 Sganiwch y côd QR i ddarllen y stori. Scan the QR code to read the story.

6 Holi ac ateb. Beth ydy teitl y llyfr?... ydy teitl y llyfr. Pwy ydy awdur (author) y llyfr?... ydy awdur y llyfr. Beth ydy enw’r bachgen/ ferch yn y llyfr?... ydy enw’r bachgen/ferch yn y llyfr. Ydy Babs eisiau’r jig-sô? Ydy, mae Babs... Beth mae Wncwl Oli eisiau? Mae Wncwl Oli... Beth mae Babs eisiau o’r siop? Mae Babs eisiau... Pam mae Benja eisiau ffôn? Mae Benja eisiau... Pa liw io-io mae Benja eisiau? Mae Benja eisiau... Beth sydd yn y bag coch?... sydd yn y bag coch. Beth mae Benja yn gofyn i Wncwl Oli? “Ga i bêl,...” Ydy Mam eisiau pêl, tedi a jwg? Nag ydy!...

7 Wyt ti’n hoffi’r stori? Ydw, achos … mae’n gyffrous. mae’n ddoniol. dw i’n hoffi Babs a Benja. dw i eisiau Blwch Hud! Nag ydw, achos … mae’n ddiflas. mae’n sbwriel. mae Babs yn wirion! dw i ddim yn hoffi mynd i’r sêl cist car.

8 Helpwch Ditectif Dan Cwestiynau 1.Beth ydy ‘jug’ yn Gymraeg? a) tedi b) jig-sô c) jwg 2.Beth ydy ‘green yo-yo’ yn Gymraeg? a) io-io gwyrdd b) io-io coch c) io-io melyn 3.Beth mae Babs eisiau o’r siop? a) pêl b) io-io c) tedi 4. Pwy ydy Oli? a) chwaer b) wncwl c) brawd 5.Pwy ydy’r awdur? a) Mari Tudorb) Wncwl Olic) Fflori Fflach

9 Helpwch Ditectif Dan Cwestiynau 1.Beth ydy ‘jug’ yn Gymraeg? 2.Beth ydy ‘green yo-yo’ yn Gymraeg? 3.Beth mae Babs eisiau o’r siop? 4. Pwy ydy Oli? 5.Pwy ydy’r awdur?

10 Beth ydy teitl y llyfr?... ydy teitl y llyfr. Pwy ydy awdur y llyfr?... ydy awdur y llyfr. Ydy Babs eisiau’r jig-sô? Ydy/Nag ydy Beth mae Wncwl Oli eisiau? Mae Wncwl Oli... Beth sydd yn y bag coch?... sydd yn y bag coch. Wyt ti’n hoffi’r stori? Ydw / Nag ydw Beth ydy enw’r bachgen yn y llyfr?... ydy enw’r bachgen yn y llyfr. Beth ydy enw’r ferch yn y llyfr?... enw’r ferch yn y llyfr. Pam mae Benja eisiau ffôn? Achos...


12 Deialog: Trafod Stori Sam:Beth wyt ti’n darllen Nia? Nia: Dw i’n darllen... Sam: Wyt ti’n hoffi’r stori? Nia: Ydw, dw i’n... Sam: Pam? Nia: Achos...

13 Holi ac ateb. What is the title of the book?... is the title of the book. Who is the author?... is the author of the book. What is the name of the boy/girl in the book?... is the name of the boy/girl in the book. Does Babs want the jigsaw? Yes, Babs... What does Uncle Oli want? Uncle Oli wants... What does Babs want from the shop? Babs wants... Why does Benja want a phone? Benja wants... Which colour yo-yo does Benja want? Benja wants... What’s in the red bag?... is in the red bag. What does Benja ask Uncle Oli? “May I have a...” Does Mum want a ball, a teddy and a jug? No!... Do you like the story? Yes, because... it’s exciting it’s funny I like Babs and Benja. I want a magic box. No, because... it’s boring it’s rubbish Babs is silly I don’t like going to the car boot sales.

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