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A. 1950s & 1960s. African colonies experienced DECOLONIZATION & gained INDEPENDENCE. B. 1957: The first sub- Saharan African colony to gain its independence.

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3 A. 1950s & 1960s. African colonies experienced DECOLONIZATION & gained INDEPENDENCE. B. 1957: The first sub- Saharan African colony to gain its independence was GHANA.

4 C. 1947-GHANA: 1.Kwame Nkrumah used Gandhi’s non- violent strategy of boycotts & strikes to pressure Britain to grant independence. 2. Nkrumah supported PAN-AFRICANISM (unity among Africans) & hoped to create a “UNITED STATES OF AFRICA”.

5 3. 1957:Great Britain granted Gold Coast independence and the nation was renamed GHANA. 4.KWAME NKRUMAH elected president-for-life & began an ambitious series of road, education, health programs. 5. 1966: Nkrumah was overthrown & Ghana struggled between military & civilian rule until elections were finally held in 2000.


7 D. Not all African independence movements ended with democracy or without bloodshed. 1. After gaining independence, NIGERIA erupted in an ethnic civil war. 3. Ethnic divisions weakened KENYA’S government & led to violence & rule by dictators. 2. In CONGO, a series of civil wars weakened the newly-formed nation.


9 E. SOUTH AFRICA 1. Demands for independence in South Africa were led by white colonists. 2, When South Africa gained independence in 1931, WHITE AFRIKANERS gained power & create a policy of APARTHEID. 3. APARTHEID LAWS created strict RACIAL SEGREGATION between blacks & whites.

10 4. Black South Africans protested APARTHEID & often VIOLENT RIOTS broke out.

11 NELSON MANDELA AFRICAN NATIONAL CONGRESS APARTHEID 5. NELSON MANDELA: member of the AFRICAN NATIONAL CONGRESS he was a leader of both peaceful protests and armed resistance against APARTHEID in South Africa. 1964 ARRESTED LIFE SENTENCE 6. 1964: Mandela was ARRESTED & given a LIFE SENTENCE for opposing apartheid. laws.

12 7. 1990: new South African President F. W. DE CLERK RELEASED MANDELA FROM PRISON. 8. South African parliament repealed all apartheid laws & announced the FIRST MULTIRACIAL ELECTION in 1994. 9. Nelson Mandela won the election & became SOUTH AFRICA’S FIRST BLACK PRESIDENT. 10. South Africans adopted a new CONSTITUTION with a BILL OF RIGHTS that guaranteed equal rights for all citizens.


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