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Canada Foundation for Innovation “New Tools for the New Economy ”

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1 Canada Foundation for Innovation “New Tools for the New Economy ”

2 Canada Foundation for Innovation qCreated 1997, Sunset 2005 qTotal Budget $2.4 billion qTo date, awarded $861M for 1106 projects

3 Mandate qStrengthen the capability of Canadian universities, colleges, research hospitals and other not-for-profit institutions to carry out world-class research and technology development. qHealth, Social sciences, Humanities, Environment, Natural sciences, Engineering.

4 Research Infrastructure qCapital costs of modernizing, acquiring, leasing or developing research infrastructure qEquipment, specimens, scientific collections, computer software, information databases, communication linkages, including essential housing and installations

5 Research qResearch is the attempt to discover new facts, knowledge, and information, to develop new interpretations of facts, knowledge or information, or to discover new means of applying exisiting knowledge

6 Innovation qInnovation is a process that begins with the creation of knowledge in research, and continues through its applications for the benefit of Canadian society

7 What has CFI funded in colleges? q2 rounds of competition under the College Research Development Fund (1999 & 2000) q40 funded projects q$15.7 Million qsuccess rate of 54% qcurrently 53 colleges eligible to apply to CFI

8 What have we learned? qMarked improvement in the quality of proposals from year to year qMaturity of proposals - when is a project ready to be funded? qProjects from colleges are very different from those from universities - discovery of new means of applying existing knowledge or assessing technologies as opposed to the discovery of new knowledge - more closely connected to eventual users of the technology

9 What have we learned? qIncreased collaboration with universities, hospital research institutes, community groups, government laboratories and agencies, international colleagues and industry qTechnology transfer is taking place as centres are providing services to companies - some centres report increases in contracts qCFI infrastructure has led to the creation of jobs in centres or institutes that have received CFI support

10 Programmes qFonds d’innovation  Fonds international qFonds d’exploitation des infrastructures

11 Dates Importantes q2 avril 2001 Intention de faire une demande q30 mai 2001 Demande complète q30 mai 2001 Plan Institutionel de recherche

12 Innovation Fund qAnticipate future research infrastructure needs qDevelop strategic visions - especially in areas that integrate ideas and knowledge from many disciplines qEnable researchers to work on groundbreaking topics currently beyond their means qReinforce and support excellent research or help create excellence where there is already evidence of real potential to do so

13 Innovation Fund qattract and retain the best researchers qcreate a stimulating and innovative training environment qmake a difference and contribute to the Canadian economy and/or to the improvement of society, quality of life, health or the environment

14 Assessment Criteria qQuality of research and need for infrastructure qContribution to strengthening the capacity for innovation qPotential benefits of the research to Canada

15 Innovation Fund qTotal project costs of $100,000 or more (represents a CFI contribution of $40,000) qOnly individual items or systems that cost more than $8,000 are eligible qIn-kind contributions must have been received after July 1, 2000

16 Multidisciplinary Assessment Committees qCategory A: degree granting institutions receiving more than 1% of Granting Council funding; hospitals; not-for-profit organizations qCategory B: degree granting institutions receiving less than 1% of Granting Council funding qCategory C: Colleges (do not confer degrees)

17 External Review qTailored to the nature and complexity of proposals qvarious mechanisms used: 4written external reviews 4expert committees for groups of similar or related proposals qAll assessments forwarded to the MAC

18 Institutional Research Plan qOutline future strategic directions and major objectives qoutline major thrusts for research and research training qFocus on areas for which CFI support will be sought qdescribe support for development of research and research training in priority areas qplanned inter-institutional and inter-sectorial collaborations

19 Institutional Research Plan qhow success in meeting objectives will be addressed qplanning and approval process at the institution qif institution is linked with one or more research institutions - provide evidence of concerted planning

20 Information Sources qTHE INSTRUCTIONS qThe CFI Guide qYour institution’s CFI liaison

21 Infrastructure Operating Fund qContribution to the incremental operating and maintenance costs associated with CFI projects qInstitutions must demonstrate that they have funds to ensure infrastructure will be fully operational and sustainable for at least five years.

22 International Fund qWorld class facilities (3-5) to be built in Canada with partnership with institutions in other countries qAccess to infrastructure and international programs elsewhere that provides extraordinary research opportunities for Canadian institutions and researchers

23 Thematic Workshops qHigh Performance ComputingDec 7 qE:businessFeb 20 qGenomics/Post-genomicsFeb 23 qImagingFeb 27 qPopulation HealthFeb 28 qICTMar 1 qNanotechnologyMar 9 qClinical ResearchMar 26 qEnvironmental StudiesApril 2

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