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1960s Unit Question: How do circumstances affect our choices? Area of Interaction: Environments.

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Presentation on theme: "1960s Unit Question: How do circumstances affect our choices? Area of Interaction: Environments."— Presentation transcript:

1 1960s Unit Question: How do circumstances affect our choices? Area of Interaction: Environments

2 Do Now: Draw this diagram using a whole page in your sketchbook. Minimalism: Artist: Installation Art: Artist: Op Art: Artist: Pop Art: Artist: Photo-Realism: Artist: Exit Ticket:

3 Objectives SWBAT: explain main goal of Installation Art, Minimalism, Op Art, Photo-Realism, and Pop Art. SWBAT: identify 5 artists from the 1960s period.



6 Pop Art Time: 1960s Location: America Main goal: The artists took made art about things and people that were popular at that time.

7 Andy Warhol Created art using Silk Screen Printing Warhol's works include some of the most expensive paintings Self Portrait by Andy Warhol (1986) ever sold. ($100 million)



10 Op Art Time: 1960s Location: World Wide Main goal: The artists created art that contained optical illusions.

11 Tadasky Japanese Artist Came to US on a scholarship at Cranbrook Academy of Art, Bloomfield Hills, MI C 191 by Tadasky (1965)



14 Installation Art Time: 1960s Location: America Main goal: The artist create art that must be installed in a space indoors or outdoors. Most of the time it is a temporary piece of art.

15 Sandy Skoglund American female photographer and installation artist Builds elaborate sets with furniture and actors and photographs the scenes she creates



18 Photo-Realism Time: 1960s Location: America Main goal: The artist shows a meticulous depiction of detail, nearly photographic in appearance.

19 Ralph Goings-American Painter "In 1963 I wanted to start painting again but I decided I wasn't going to do abstract pictures. It occurred to me that I should go as far to the opposite as I could.... It occurred to me that projecting and tracing the photograph instead of copying it freehand would be even more shocking. To copy a photograph literally was considered a bad thing to do. It went against all of my art school training... some people were upset by what I was doing and said 'it's not art, it can't possibly be art'. That gave me encouragement in a perverse way, because I was delighted to be doing something that was really upsetting people... I was having a hell of a lot of fun..." Relish By Ralph Goings (1994)



22 Minimalism Time: 1960s Location: World Wide Main goal: The artists create art at its most simple state. No personal expression, just a minimal number of shapes, lines or colors.

23 Frank Stella American painter and printmaker Student of Hans Hofmann Thought that the art should be an object not a picture of an object. Hyena Stomp by Frank Stella (1936)

24 Time Line (10 minutes) Installation Art, Minimalism, Op Art, Photo-Realism, and Pop Art Time: 1960s Illustrate

25 Exit Ticket If so many groups of artists existed in the 1960s, how many groups do you think exists now? Why do you think this?

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