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RHODE ISLAND MEDICAL RESERVE CORPS State-wide Smallpox Immunization Training.

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Presentation on theme: "RHODE ISLAND MEDICAL RESERVE CORPS State-wide Smallpox Immunization Training."— Presentation transcript:

1 RHODE ISLAND MEDICAL RESERVE CORPS State-wide Smallpox Immunization Training

2 State of Rhode Island  Fun Facts:  1 State Department of Health  No County Government  1 Medical Reserve Corps Unit (1371 volunteers)  Population 1,000,000  2009-2010 Rhode Island reached the highest H1N1 vaccination rate for children in the country = 84.7% using an ALL VOLUNTEER corps lead by the RI Medical Reserve Corps

3 Rhode Island MRC H1N1Success  RI MRC held 18 H1N1 Immunization Training courses in 2009 training 749 volunteers, pre- response, that then participated in the H1N1 state-wide, school-based vaccination campaign  421 schools in 28 days (Round 1)  155,649 H1N1 vaccinations provided in schools  Training courses consisted of review of Incident Command, school-based approach, H1N1, adverse reactions, draw-up and IM competencies and badge and t-shirt distribution

4 Smallpox Immunization Training  Offered 7 Smallpox Immunization Training Courses  1 Train the Trainer Course (25 attendees)  6 courses using Trainers as preceptors

5 Course Curriculum  Disease history  Vaccine characteristics, efficacy  Vaccine adverse effects  Mass response - ring vaccination  Screening  Administration technique  Care of Site  Adverse reactions

6 May 7, 2011 Group Discussion at Smallpox Train the Trainer

7 Technique Evaluation via preceptors Silicone Simulated Skin Form and Bifurcated Needle

8 Smallpox Survey

9 Benefits of Smallpox Training Course:  81 competent preceptors available for a large- scale training push  Increased awareness of Smallpox amongst the response community  Volunteer involvement / interaction  Able to test the RI Responds system  Strengthened the RI MRC’s training process

10 Trained are Tracked

11 Take Away  If you don’t know the MRC Coordinator for your state, you should:   Medical Reserve Corps is a definitive and useful resource to the public health and emergency response systems in every state  Remember the state-wide MRC Grant opportunity and take advantage.

12 Erin McDonough Rhode Island State Coordinator Medical Reserve Corps 401 489-5927 Contact Information

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