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Technical Assistance Facility for Danube Region Projects.

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1 Technical Assistance Facility for Danube Region Projects

2 Analysis of needs for financial instruments in the EUSDR on behalf of DG REGIO (  approx. 40 financial instruments in the Danube Region 1.Background

3  There is no lack of money in the Danube Region, BUT Bureaucratic barriers, in particular for small projects The lack of pre-financing (project development) Lack of co-financing Difficulties during the project preparation phase Information about financing opportunities is insufficient. 1.Background

4 2. Overview TECHNICAL ASSISTANCE FACILITY FOR DANUBE REGION PROJECTS OBJECTIVESupport up to 40 project ideas to overcome a major obstacle in project development  bankable / fundable project TYPE OF PROJECTS Projects that contribute to the objectives of the EUSDR and in particular to one Priority Area STAKEHOLDERS INVOLVED - Close cooperation between applicant (=project developer) and relevant PAC - Close cooperation between consultant and beneficiary - Coordination by PAC 10, managing authority FINANCIAL FRAME Up to 25,000 € per project concept – in the form of consultant services to beneficiary TIMELINE- 2013-2014 - 2 calls at least are foreseen

5 2. Overview

6 2. Calendar

7 Project reveals a public interest Applicant and partners – legal personality, located in the Danube Region Project size justifies TAF-DRP support : not too small, not too large (< € 25M) Priority to “new entries” with strong needs and new ideas (vs. experienced transnational partnerships) TAF-DRP support is likely to change the status quo Project contributes to the EUDSR / Priority Area Outputs, results and impact of the project are relevant for EUSDR / PA Project has a macro-regional dimension (e.g. location/partnership/impact) Applicant is committed to follow-up 2. Overview: What type of projects are we looking for?

8 3. The different steps PreparationSelectionImplementationFollow up

9 StepBoth PACsCo-signing PAC Preparation1)Organise pre-selection of project ideas (max 2 per call) 2)Support pre-selected applicants in finalising application 4) Verify completeness and compliance of applications with basic criteria 5) Submit applications to PAC 10 3) Co-signs Letter of Commitment with pre- selected applicant SelectionNo formal role May be contacted by Managing Authority (MA) e.g. for clarifications Receive information about decisions taken by MA / Role of PACs

10 StepBoth PACsCo-signing PAC Implementation1)Receive copy of the validated Order Form to the consultant 2)Receive copy of the inception and final consultant´s report Follow-up1)If needed, support Beneficiary in taking follow-up actions towards project implementation 2)Receive copy of follow up report by the Beneficiary 3)Inform MA in case of major drawback identified during follow up Role of PACs

11 Contact for the TAF-DRP Dipl.-Ing. Dr. Kurt Puchinger PAC10 Coordinator – EUSDR Kellermanngasse 8/4 A - 1070 Wien Tel: +43 (0) 1 89 08 088 22 01 Mobile: +43 664 883 568 58 Mag. Elise Lindner Project manager for the TAF-DRP WH-BuS Finanz- und Fördermanagement Tel: +43 (0) 50 855 37 Mobile: +43 (0)664 883 568 73 With the financial support of the European Union

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