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Project title and acronym: «Development of knowledge-based web services to promote advance Industrial Symbiosis in Europe, eSYMBIOSIS, LIFE09ENV/GR/000300»

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Presentation on theme: "Project title and acronym: «Development of knowledge-based web services to promote advance Industrial Symbiosis in Europe, eSYMBIOSIS, LIFE09ENV/GR/000300»"— Presentation transcript:

1 Project title and acronym: «Development of knowledge-based web services to promote advance Industrial Symbiosis in Europe, eSYMBIOSIS, LIFE09ENV/GR/000300» PROJECT LOCATION: Greece, UK BUDGET INFO: Total amount: 1,763,295.00 € % EC Co-funding: 49.8% PROJECT’S IMPLEMENTORS: Coordinating Beneficiary: 1. Region of Sterea Ellada Associated Beneficiaries: 1. National University of Athens, 2. University of Surrey, 3. Link 2 Energy ltd, 4. AVCO Systems ltd, 5. CLMS HELLAS, 6. Envireco Consulting SA. DURATION: Start: 01/10/2010 - End: 30/09/2013 Monitoring Visit 16 th May 2011, Athens, NTUA Campus

2 BACKGROUND and AIMS The general objective of eSYMBIOSIS project is to produce a web based platform for Industrial Symbiosis communities, offering automation, supporting SMEs into Industrial Symbiosis market–oriented activities, considering regional priorities and enabling the public administrators (municipalities, etc) to implement their environmental policy and monitor environmental and economic consequences. This innovative environmental practice will contribute to: a)trade waste as feedstock among companies, build environmentally integrated and efficient communities b)cost savings in raw materials and discharge fees c)waste reduction across a wide range of industrial activities d)the development and assessment of environmental policies at local and regional level. MAIN EU POLICIES TARGETED 2150/2002/EC: Waste Statistics Regulation Joint Ministerial Decision 50910/2727/2003 (Official Gazette, B 1909/2003), (OJG 1909/2003): Solid Waste Management in compliance with European Waste Framework Directive 91/156/EEC 6th Environmental Action Plan Goetenberg strategy and the Lisbon process Environmental Technologies Action Plan (ETAP), Framework Programme for Competitiveness and Innovation Monitoring Visit 16 th May 2011, Athens, NTUA Campus

3 Monitoring Visit 16 th May 2011, Athens, NTUA Campus MAIN ACTIVITIES: Industrial Symbiosis (IS) is an innovative environmental practice that is helping companies trade waste as feedstock, building communities that are environmentally integrated and efficient. ACTION 1: Service and user requirements ACTION 2: Service architecture and implementation ACTION 3: Integration, validation and demonstration ACTION 4: Capacity building ACTION 5: Dissemination of project activities and results ACTION 6: Project Management ACTION 7: Monitoring of project progress & effectiveness evaluation ACTION 8: After-LIFE communication plan EXPECTED RESULTS (a) Practices and valuable knowledge base established by IS projects a service that runs autonomously, (b) Support innovative policy approaches to facilitate IS implementation as environmental policy at local, regional and national levels (c) Build knowledge- based approaches with potential to report measurable social, environmental and economic benefits, (d) Prepare and train industries to embark on IS and to use the service (e) Deploy the widest possible application of scientifically verified technologies to upgrade IS towards a systematic and powerful methodology for practicing communities but also for research and development groups with capabilities to advance its innovative features (f) Provide means to disseminate IS widely in Viotia and eventually across Europe offering the web service for demonstration and training (g) Improve and increase the participation of SMEs into market-oriented activities built on IS in relation to the targeted region of Viotia, but also in Greece and Europe (h) Reduce natural resource consumption by reducing waste streams to landfill, (i) Establish IS networks and recruit champions to disseminate IS in Greece, the Balkans and all regions deprived of dedicated government support for IS.

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