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1 Framework Agreements Blended Rates, Invoicing & Variations – Commissioning

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Presentation on theme: "1 Framework Agreements Blended Rates, Invoicing & Variations – Commissioning"— Presentation transcript:

1 1 Framework Agreements Blended Rates, Invoicing & Variations – Commissioning – Team Manager (Carefirst Team) – Business Analyst

2 2 AGENDA 1.Introductions & house keeping 2.Total Weekly Rate & Blended Hourly Rate 3.Invoicing 4.Variations 5.Questions and Answers

3 3 SProc.Net - OFFER SCREEN Provider Weekly Schedule Screen 1

4 4 SProc.Net - OFFER SCREEN Provider Weekly Schedule Screen 2



7 SProc.Net - OFFER SCREEN 1

8 SProc.Net - CALCULATING THE TOTAL WEEKLY RATE 1 Calculate the cost of each required call - check if the calls are single or two care worker calls. You may wish to calculate the cost of calls differently depending on such elements as: - Time of day - Day of the week - Nature of the tasks involved - Whether it is a single or two care worker SUGGESTION – When calculating the total weekly rate refer to ‘weekly schedule’ on the Printable Detail which will indicate the length of calls and number of care workers required. Add the cost of all the calls on the weekly schedule to calculate the ‘indicative’ Total weekly rate

9 SProc.Net - CALCULATING THE BLENDED HOURLY RATE 1 Calculate the number of weekly care worker hours for the care package. If two care workers are required for a call the calculation will be double the length of the call i.e. 1 ½ hour call with two care workers will be calculated as 3 hours. Add the weekly care worker hours for all the calls on the weekly schedule to calculate total weekly care hours. This total is required for the entry in to ‘units’ field of the ‘RATES’ Section of your offer. To calculate the ‘Blended Hourly Rate’ you divide the ‘Total Weekly Rate’ by the ‘Total Weekly Care Hours’. i.e. Total Weekly Rate ____________________= Blended Hourly Rate Total Weekly Care Hours

10 10 SProc.Net - CALCULATING THE BLENDED HOURLY RATE 2 The ‘Blended Hourly Rate’ needs to be a whole penny rate. If after your calculation, your ‘Blended Hourly Rate’ is calculated as part of a penny then you need to decide whether you ‘round up’ or ‘round down’ to the nearest whole penny. For example: This is the rate required for the entry in to ‘Proposed Bill’ field of ‘RATES’ Section of your offer. IMPORTANT If you have undertaken any rounding to produce your final ‘Blended Hourly Rate’ this will effect your final ‘Total Weekly Rate’. The ‘Total Weekly Rate’ of your offer will be based on ‘Blended Hourly Rate’ multiplied by the ‘Total Weekly Care Hours’ that have been entered in your offer. After the calculation a ‘Average Hourly Rate’ of £10.325 would need to be either rounded up to £10.33 or rounded down to £10.32

11 11 SProc.Net - CALCULATING THE BLENDED HOURLY RATE 3 This ‘Total Weekly Rate’ is calculated by SProc.Net and shown on your offer below:

12 SProc.Net - CALCULATING THE BLENDED HOURLY RATE 3 IMPORTANT Check ‘Supplier Weekly Cost’ field before submitting your offer to ensure that it confirms the cost you have calculated! Also ensure that you have correctly calculated the ‘Total Weekly Care Hours’. If your offer is accepted the rate in the ‘Supplier Weekly Cost’ field will be the figure that ‘Carefirst’ will use to compare your submitted invoices The ‘Blended Hourly Rate’ you entered will be the hourly rate used to calculate: -Variations to the weekly schedule due to cancelled or missed calls etc.. -Any permanent/temporary increases or decreases to a care package.

13 Provider Support Demonstrations of System are being held at Woodcock Street: 5 th September2.00-4.00pm 10 th September10.00-12.00pm 11 th September2.00-4.00pm 19 th September10.00-12.00pm Briefing Sessions on Blended Rates, Variations and Invoicing are being held at Woodcock Street : 6th September 2.30-3.30 or 3.45-4.45 20th September2.30-3.30 or 3.45-4.45 Briefings on Supplier Selection Criteria and Scoring of Outcomes To be arranged

14 Contact Details For further information : Commissioning Links with Assessment and Support Planning (CLASP) Mailbox: Go-live Helpdesk for Providers 0121 675 4671

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