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L EADERSHIP F ORUM By Indy & Shanayah. THE PROJECTS WERE o Shoebox Donation o Glasshouse o Westmead Donation o Chess and Drafts.

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Presentation on theme: "L EADERSHIP F ORUM By Indy & Shanayah. THE PROJECTS WERE o Shoebox Donation o Glasshouse o Westmead Donation o Chess and Drafts."— Presentation transcript:

1 L EADERSHIP F ORUM By Indy & Shanayah

2 THE PROJECTS WERE o Shoebox Donation o Glasshouse o Westmead Donation o Chess and Drafts

3 S HOEBOX D ONATION Emily Crellin and Indy Downie put together a ‘Shoebox Donation’ by asking the community to donate items of care. This was for poor and homeless kids 0-5 years old. The girls donated these to the St Vincent De Paul Society.

4 C HESS A ND D RAFTS Ella Tyson-Davies, Ben House & Ben Cox decided to have a little activity at lunchtimes for students to enjoy.

5 G LASSHOUSE Kade Broadly, Zane Mead & Emily Bates put together a glass house project to help the school have more gardens!

6 W ESTMEAD D ONATION Amber Davies, Isabella Price, Bonnie Hampson & Annabelle Pagden put together a couple of fundraisers to raise money to donate to the Westmead's children's hospital. On Grandparents day the girls held a grocery stall and students could wear an item of red clothing for a gold coin donation.

7 V ALLEY S CHOOLS LEADERSHIP All the children attended this event to proudly present their projects to the other schools. The choral festival and Emily, Amber and Joojoo performed a flute piece. Many other students performed fantastic acts and I think the crowd were very impressed with what the schools had put together. Mr Hallaways was presented with a special appreciation award for his commitment to the Valley schools leadership forum.

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