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THE ACTIONTHE ACTIONPLAN. Even if the country of Malawi has been trying to achieve economic growth, improve healthcare, education and environment conditions.

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Presentation on theme: "THE ACTIONTHE ACTIONPLAN. Even if the country of Malawi has been trying to achieve economic growth, improve healthcare, education and environment conditions."— Presentation transcript:


2 Even if the country of Malawi has been trying to achieve economic growth, improve healthcare, education and environment conditions and rely less on other countries, it remains part of the world’s least developed countries. The growing population, largely rural, suffers from this (low life expectancy, high infant mortality, high prevalence of HIV/AIDS). Precarious (dangerous lack of) food supply and natural disasters-from droughts to heavy rainfalls-also put Malawi in constant need of tons of food aid every year. How can Malawi stabilize its population growth? And how can it achieve social and economic development of the country?

3 About Malawi Location: Southern Africa Climate: Tropical Population: 12.6 million Economy: Industries include tea, tobacco, sugar production, sawmill products, cement, consumer goods Government: Republic Religions: Christianity, Islam Languages: English, Chichewa, Tumbuka, Ngoni, Yao, Lomwe, Sena Malawi’ s Human Development Index (HDI) in 2011 is 171 out of 180 and is of O.4 ( + 0.005 since 2010). As we can see, this is very low. Infant mortality rate (under 1) in 2009: 69 Annual no. of births (thousands) in 2009: 608 Annual no. of under-5 deaths (thousands) in 2009: 64 GNI per capita (US$) in2009: 280 Life expectancy at birth (years) in 2009: 54 Total adult literacy rate (%) in 2005-2008: 73 Estimated number of people (all ages) living with HIV in2009 (thousands) : 920 Mother-to-child transmission, Estimated number of women (aged 15+) living with HIV in 2009 (thousands): 470 Prevention among young people, % who used condom at last higher-risk sex in 2005-2009, male: 59 Prevention among young people, % who used condom at last higher-risk sex in2005-2009*, female: 40 Sources: UNICEF

4 Population growth should not be a problem, yet in Malawi the very high and increasing population leads to even more difficulty when dealing with underdevelopment. This is due to various conditions that the Malawians have to deal with: First, and most importantly, they need to have more than one child as they will help with the farming, and later bring money to the family. This not only shows the great poverty of the country, but also means that the children will receive less education, or none, to help their family. There is also a lack of contraceptives and therefore Malawians cannot decide to not have a child. Also, since the infant mortality is so high, families have many children (fertility rate is of 5.5)

5 To stabilize population growth: By achieving an economic development of the country, families are wealthier, and can decide to not have as many children (therefore taking better care of them: education, health, etc..)Family planning advice should be given. Money should be invested in building hospitals and health clinics in every region of Malawi and training doctors and health workers : MALAWIANS NEED BETTER HEALTH CARE. During the first years of the development plan, outside doctors should help local doctors treat diseases until other competent Malawians are formed and employed. Malawians must all have access to clean water and good alimentation (see ZOOM on the Well project) Malawians must have better access to contraceptives, especially condoms. Money should be invested in doing this. Since some Malawians are against condoms, as it is not part of their culture and/ or religion, there has to be a heightened awareness of the population regarding contraceptives: Malawians need to be aware that these are necessary for health and do not have any link with religion or culture. Malawians should also be informed about sterilization: although radical, this is 1OO% effective, and once a mother has decided that she does not want any more children, she could turn to sterilization which would prevent her from unwanted pregnancy and STDs.

6 In doing so: There would be lower risk of STDs (sexually transmissible diseases) including AIDS. The high AIDS prevalence would then reduce in important ways. Malawians would really have the choice of how many children they wish to have, the population would stabilize, families would be smaller and with better health care, more babies would survive so families need fewer births. Children would have better access to education, which would then allow them to get employed, and assure economic independence.

7 Zoom on project « Well »-Being Many projects like the project « Well »-Being have been started all over Africa Our idea would consist of encouraging Malawians to build their own wells in their villages ( supported of course dddddddddddddddddb financially and with help of people hhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh from other countries) The Malawians would then have access to safe, clean water and participate their own development. Dams would also be created, but projects like the project « Well »-Being are simpler and easier to apply, and create jobs for the Malawians.

8 Other projects could include : giving to each village in Malawi a cooking oven. This would limit diseases due to eating raw-meat, accidents due to fires made from wood that children have to fetch away. Loaning money to groups of Malawians (men AND women) allowing them to start « micro- companies », which would have direct effect on families’ income and encourage business.

9 Money would be made due to the lower rate of population. This money, as well as the development plan investments should: ● Give access to all Malawians in hospitals and clinics: there should be a free consultation every 6 months (this way, money would not be involved in health) ● Be invested in education: school should be obligatory and free (payed by government). Boys and girls should go to school. To continue the STD prevention and population growth stabilization, children should have health and sexual education classes ● The government should encourage the Malawians to work and stay in Malawi, and not decide to move to other countries as they will gain their life better. Jobs should be created, and a sector that could help Malawi’s economy is Tourism.

10 Another way Malawi could deal with its underdevelopment is through tourism. ● In fact, Malawi offers great views and sight-seeing experiences, thanks to the Great Rift Valley that runs through the country from north to south, and Lake Malawi that lies at the east of this valley. Lake Maliwi, that takes up ¾ of Malawi’s eastern boundary, is also called Lake Nyasa or the Calendar Lake as it is about 365 miles (84 km) wide. ● In the moutainous sections of Malawi around the Rift Valley, plateaus rise 914 to 1 219m (some rise as high as 2 438m in the north!) ● To the south of Lake Malawi lie the Shire Highlands (approximately 914 m above sea level). In this area, the Zomba and Mlanje mountain peaks rise to exactly 2,134 m and 3,048 m. ● By developing tourism in Malawi, not only would the country achieve economic development, but would also participate in globalization and the Malawians would show the value and potential of their country.

11 TOURISM Malawi has two sites listed on the UNESCO World Heritage List. Lake Malawi National Park was first listed in 1984 and the Chongoni Rock Art Area was listed in 2006 ( sources: wikipedia ) Lake Malawi

12 Fair Trade ● Malawi is also producer of products like tobacco, tea, and sugar. ● By creating associations that encourage people of other countries to buy products from poor underdeveloped countries like Malawi, its economy would go up and Malawi would participate in exportations and international exchanges.

13 Malawians are poor, have many children to help with the farming and bring money to family, Lack (and refusal) of contraceptives Bad (if any) health care leads to high infant mortality: children do not all survive, so families have many. Population increases -> less money children receive very little (if any) education -> fewer chances of receiving a job -> less money Lack of condoms leads to STDs -> very high prevalence of HIV/AIDS Malawians have less money Malawians have no jobs, do not get employed Malawians are sick Malawi’s economy is a disaster -> relies exclusively on other countries Social/ Human rights are set aside No money for infrastructures (hospitals, clinics, schools, universities) Only way families can survive is by having more children With the Action Plan, we take this:

14 Money for Health, Education, developing tourism given by other countries Family Planning (awareness of population torwards STDs, children, jobs) Money for Health, Education, developing tourism given by other countries Family Planning (awareness of population torwards STDs, children, jobs) Families decide to have less children +More use of contraceptives -> population growth rate stabilizes and lower prevalence of STDs Lower population = more money invested in Health (building clincs and hospitals, free consultation days separating money from health) education (building schools for boys and girls, universities), financing projects like project « Well »-Being and « micro-companies » People receive better education and health care -> better health get jobs, become responsible in their country’s economic development Jobs can be created in the sector of tourism People receive better education and health care -> better health get jobs, become responsible in their country’s economic development Jobs can be created in the sector of tourism Economy booms People are healthier and wealthier Malawi plays its role in globalization through tourism and exports Families gain more money, can have fewer children and take better care of them Economy booms People are healthier and wealthier Malawi plays its role in globalization through tourism and exports Families gain more money, can have fewer children and take better care of them Malawi relies less and less on other countries (becomes international exchanges) Malawians take part in achieving social and economic development of their country Malawi relies less and less on other countries (becomes international exchanges) Malawians take part in achieving social and economic development of their country And help turn it into this:


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