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 Citizenship: The rights and duties of a member of a certain country.  Rights:  Freedom of speech, religion, press; Equal justice, Right to own property,

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Presentation on theme: " Citizenship: The rights and duties of a member of a certain country.  Rights:  Freedom of speech, religion, press; Equal justice, Right to own property,"— Presentation transcript:


2  Citizenship: The rights and duties of a member of a certain country.  Rights:  Freedom of speech, religion, press; Equal justice, Right to own property, Free education, Right to have a trial if accused of a crime, etc.  Duties:  Participating in elections, Obeying laws, Paying taxes, Defending the nation (Men over 18 may be required to serve in the military in the event of a draft), Serving on juries, etc.

3  Automatically a Citizen if:  Born in the U.S. or a U.S. territory  If one parent is a U.S. Citizen  How to Become a Citizen (Naturalization):  Be over 18 and support yourself financially or have someone assume financial responsibility for you.  Be law-abiding and support the U.S. Constitution.  Demonstrate understanding of written and spoken English.  Show basic knowledge of U.S. history and government.  Go before a naturalization court and take an oath of allegiance to the United States.  Naturalized citizens cannot become president or vice president and can lose their citizenship.

4  George Washington was against political parties  “parties serve their own interests”  “parties not beneficial to American people”  Parties formed after his exit: 1. Democratic-Republicans 2. Federalists

5  Democratic- Republicans  Supported states rights  Supported economy based on agriculture  Power in hands of all people  Led by Thomas Jefferson

6  Federalists  Supported strong national govt.  Supported economy based on industry  Power in hands of wealthy and educated  Led by Alexander Hamilton

7  Democratic Party  Tends to Attract  Working people (blue collar)  Liberals  Catholics  Minorities  Union Members  People in favor of govt. involvement in social policies

8  Republican Party  Tends to attract  Businesspeople (white collar)  Protestants  Conservatives  Non-minorities  Non-union supporters  People against govt.involvement in social policies

9  What are Third Parties?  Parties representing minority opinions that challenge the Democrats and Republicans  Some successful Third Parties:  Populist Party – 1890’s  Progressive Party – split off from Rep. Party in 1912  Libertarian Party – third most popular party in U.S. today

10  Government should serve the interests of Americans and not the world as a whole;  Pursue good relations, but avoid entangling alliances.  Opposes any attempts to make the nation subservient to other countries.  Border security is most important and security needs rational immigration policies.  The party strives to protect American citizens’ rights and supports traditional values of the family, the sanctity of life and promotes economic growth within the country.

11  Based on the principles of the Declaration of Independence, the Constitution and the Bill of Rights.  The government’s power should be limited and derive its authority only from these documents.  Believes the country was founded on Biblical foundations that each individual is endowed by his Creator with certain unalienable rights;  Among these are that individuals have the right to own, control, protect and freely dispose of property as they see fit.  The party supports the sanctity of life, limited government, and personal responsibility.

12  Committed to environmental issues, social justice, non-violence, and political organizing at the local level.  Strives to reduce corporate influence in government and people’s lives by promoting “grass-roots politics” and encouraging people to participate at all levels of government.  The Green Party’s goal is to make governmental officials accountable to the people, not private interests.

13  Promotes the idea that the government that governs best, governs least.  Promotes the idea that consumers and businesses, not government, are better able to make decisions that affect their lives.  Libertarians work for world peace through a policy of non-intervention and free trade.

14  Grassroots movement of different organizations, and thus is not a centralized political organization like the other parties.  The movement’s founding was inspired by the Boston Tea Party of 1773. It advocates upholding the principles of the Declaration of Independence, U.S. Constitution, and the Bill of Rights.  Rejects excessive government spending and taxes and seeks to mobilize citizens to support public policy consistent with the values of fiscal responsibility, limited government, and free markets.

15  Socialist Party  Alaskan Independence Party  Labor Party  D.C. State Party  Independent Party  Many others  OR….. NO PARTY

16  Major function of each party is to get its candidate elected to office  Steps include 1. Party members nominate, or name the candidates they want to run for office 2004 Republican National Convention

17 2. Party starts an election campaign  An effort to gather support for its candidates and inform voters of the party’s stand on issues  Requires many party workers and volunteers to perform dozens of jobs that include :  Raising funds  Polling voters/making phone calls  Drive voters to the polls  Register voters John Kerry Campaigning

18 Presidential Election Campaigns

19 3. Once a party’s candidate is elected, the party helps the candidate organize and manage the govt.  Example: When a President is elected, 100’s of job vacancies in govt. must be filled. Jobs usually filled by party members who have contributed time, energy, and money to the campaign.  Patronage: Giving jobs or special favors to party workers

20  Political Parties are organized at every level:  Local Party Committee : Goal is to get candidates from party elected to local political office, like mayor, city councilman, school superintendent, etc… Mayor of Atlanta: Shirley Franklin Alvin Wilbanks: Superintendent of GCPS

21  Political parties are organized at every level:  State Party Committee: Goal is to get candidates from party elected to state political office, like governor, attorney general, state legislator, etc… Georgia Governor: Sonny Perdue

22  Political parties are organized at every level:  National Party Committee: Goal is to get candidates from party elected to national political office, like President, Senator, House Representative President of the U.S.: George W. Bush Georgia Senator: Saxby Chambliss Georgia Representative: John Linder

23  Abortion  Budget & Economy  Civil Rights (rights of people)  Corporations  Crime  Drugs  Education  Energy & Oil  Environment  Families & Children  Welfare & Poverty (helping the poor)  Government Reform  Same-sex Marriage  Foreign Policy (what to do outside of the U.S.)  Free Trade  Gun Control  Health Care  Homeland Security (protecting the U.S.)  Immigration  Infrastructure & Technology  Jobs  Principles & Values  Social Security (money to help support older Americans)  Tax Reform  War & Peace

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