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Kindergarten Math Common Core. Purpose of tonight… Share knowledge and information about Common Core, teaching practices, and expectations for student.

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Presentation on theme: "Kindergarten Math Common Core. Purpose of tonight… Share knowledge and information about Common Core, teaching practices, and expectations for student."— Presentation transcript:

1 Kindergarten Math Common Core

2 Purpose of tonight… Share knowledge and information about Common Core, teaching practices, and expectations for student achievement. Tonight is NOT personal conference night- if you need to contact or discuss thoughts with your child’s teacher, please email or write a note at a later date. Thank you for your understanding of our time constraints.

3 The task… Common Core in math Rubric for grading Constructed Response Exemplars Guided Math What you can do to help

4 Rubric 0LimitedProgressingSuccessful Not Addressed  Representation is incomplete or does not reflect understanding of the problem  Strategy applied is inappropriate for the problem  The computation is incorrect  Representation shows partial understanding of the problem  Strategy applied is somewhat appropriate for the problem  The computation is accurate but the operation used is incorrect  Representation shows complete understanding of the problem  Strategy applied is appropriate for the problem  The computation is accurate and reasonable

5 Constructed Response This type of question is to be ‘built’ with PICTURESNUMBERSWORDS

6 Exemplars Students are taught to use these exemplars to help compare their own work to the level of the standards. The following are exemplars that are posted in our halls to remind the students of their standard.

7 The situation There are seven red and blue birds in one tree. One bird is blue. How many birds are red?

8 Limited

9 Progressing

10 Successful

11 Guided Math Mini-lessons Small teacher led flexible groups Independent learning stations Math journals Review and preview games

12 It looks like…

13 What you can do to help… Have kids explain thoughts to you with evidence. Let them ‘teach’ you how to construct a response. Practice math facts- anytime- anywhere. Think how you use math everyday and bring that to their attention.

14 Thank you for your support! This presentation will be posted on the website. The following links are more information for parents and families:

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