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Preliminar idea on City Lab Dr. Mariana Zuleta Ferrari Tilburg Law School Role: WP leader/participant Proposal activity:

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Presentation on theme: "Preliminar idea on City Lab Dr. Mariana Zuleta Ferrari Tilburg Law School Role: WP leader/participant Proposal activity:"— Presentation transcript:

1 Preliminar idea on City Lab Dr. Mariana Zuleta Ferrari Tilburg Law School Role: WP leader/participant Proposal activity: SEC-06-FCT-2016 “Developing a comprehensive approach to violent radicalization in the EU from early understanding to improving protection” Disclaimer: with the submission of this presentation the consent is given by its author for the organisers to distribute the presentation. SMIG2016 - 26-27 January 2016 1

2 Proposal ideas/contents Possible contributions Comparative analysis on law enforcement strategies and policies and their societal impact Analysis on the role of trust and social capital (-) Understanding radicalization and terrorist networks (+) Improving info exchange and cooperation among different actors involved SMIG2016 - 26-27 January 2016 2

3 Project partner Interested in joining consortium Looking for partners to form consortium (e.g.): Municipalities, public bodies Consultancies, research organizations Etc. Thank you. SMIG2016 - 26-27 January 2016 3

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