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NATIONAL FLOOD FORUM PROJECT OFFICER Warwickshire Flood Resilience Community Pathfinder.

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Presentation on theme: "NATIONAL FLOOD FORUM PROJECT OFFICER Warwickshire Flood Resilience Community Pathfinder."— Presentation transcript:

1 NATIONAL FLOOD FORUM PROJECT OFFICER Warwickshire Flood Resilience Community Pathfinder

2 HOW YOU WOULD PLAN TO ENSURE THAT COMMUNITIES ? 1. Know that they are at risk of flooding? 2. Have taken steps to prepare for a flood? 3. Can respond and have taken action to reduce the impact of flooding? 4. And which key partners would you need to work with?

3 1) HOW TO INFORM ‘ VULNERABLE’ COMMUNITIES OF THEIR FLOOD RISK? ENGAGEMENT AND AWARENESS KNOWLEDGE GUIDANCE AND SUPPORT Specialists and decision makers: EA, Wildlife and River Trusts, ecological groups, Local Authorties Local residents: communities groups, Business, Farmers and landlowners Specialists and decision makers: EA, Wildlife and River Trusts, ecological groups, Local Authorties Local residents: communities groups, Business, Farmers and landlowners

4 ENGAGEMENT AND AWARENESS Primary Social tools: Questionnaires, Open Fairs, Workshops, Meeting & Focus Groups, Posts, Secondary data: Previous projects (EA, Defra..) and Pilot studies

5 Alternative techniques ‘the Creative Tree’

6 FROM MY RESEARCH TO THE PILOT STUDY Blog of Environmental Network of Ideas (Student Union Leadership 2015) Environmental Placement with Adur and Ouse River Trust: farmers as key stakeholers Master degree in Environmental and assessment Management course in Brighton University. From the outcomes of my Dissertation project, the discussion with the farmer outlined few priorities for local authorities to be taken into account:Dissertation project Need for prevention with local meeting or focus groups; Improvement of maintenance of land; Engagement of landowners for local ecological knowledge. Consultation meeting in Utrecht University earlier in January 2016 with Dr. Dries Hegger, who is currently involved in a EU project called FP7 STAR-FLOODDries Hegger

7 AIMS AND METHODOLOGIES Increase knowledge, awareness and discussion 1.Strategic collaborations and networking 2.Increased Ecological Local Knowledge and awareness 3.A practical common agenda OUTCOMES A. Website and social media B. Focus group/ Workshops, Creative events and consultation meetings, Informative Centre (Hub)

8 MY PROJECT PROPOSAL: THE CREATIVE TREE (MARCH 2016) Flooding is becoming a more serious environmental, economical and social issue in many countries and in particular in the South-east of England. This project has the final scope to increase local knowledge, create awareness and discussion on a Workshop basis and experiment alternative engagement tools. Landowners and communities must be empowered, as by working with the local Authorities and professionals could provide an important support on flood risk management. This pilot study aims to define a practical benefit for all. https://brightoncreativetree.wordp

9 2) HOW TO MAKE SURE THE RIGHT STEPS HAVE BEEN TAKEN?  Questionnaire and social research  Site visits (Monitoring)  School events  Info stalls and Open Fairs  Public meetings and Workshops  Creative Events  Pilot studies ISSUES AND SOLUTIONS AWARENESS AND COLLABORATIONS EXPERIMENTAL RESULTS and ALTERNATIVE SOLUTIONS

10 3) HOW TO MAKE SURE COMMUNITIES WERE EFFECTIVELY EMPOWERED TO REDUCE THE IMPACT OF FLOODING? Newsletter INFORMATION Workshops, PILOT STUDIES and Focus Groups PLANNING Social media, Libraries and Schools PROMOTION Post, Questionnaires and Open public events, Pilot studies TEST Report, Public meetings and Social media REVIEW AND FEEDBACK

11 4) WHO WILL BE CONTACTED ? GOV Local Council EA, Defra Trusts and Ecological groups Charities Libraries COMMUNITIES Local citizens action groups Universities and student unions Local residents BUSINESS Local business and farmers Water companies

12 BENEFITS OF AN EFFECTIVE COMMUNITY ENGAGEMENT NEW PARTNERSHIPS ( self management of Flood resilience) AWARENESS and INFORMATION LOCAL Ecological KNOWLEDGE Empowerment of Groups and Communities LOCAL, social and cultural citizens groups SCHOOLS and CHARITIES Farmers and Landowners


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