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Presentation on theme: "Live Streaming Events PRESENTED BY GEOFF KRUSE & CURTIS EBEN."— Presentation transcript:


2 Why Should your school Broadcast?  Expand your school's reach  Keep Alumni connected  Keep the community involved in school activities  Not everyone can go to every event  Parents with young children  Grandparents that are unable to leave the house  Relatives that live too far away

3 What Service Should We Use?  Many different platforms  Livestream  Twitch  Ustream  NFHS  The Cube

4 What Equipment Do We Need?  Depends on what you want to do  Can be as simple as using just a tablet with an app to broadcast  Can be as complex as a gaming laptop with multiple cameras and a mixing board  We fall somewhere in the middle.  In General, you'll need:  Laptop or Tablet  Headsets  If using a Laptop:  Software to send video and/or audio  HDMI to USB convertor  Camera (Can be the one the team already uses)

5 Our Equipment  Dell Laptop  Elgato Game Capture HD60: Converts HDMI signal to USB  Existing Camera that the team uses  XSplit Broadcaster: Software to send video to the web and mix in commercials or use multiple cameras  Virtual Audio Cable: takes 2 USB Headsets and creates 1 audio out  Sennheiser USB Headsets  Multiple Lengths of USB Cords  Multiple Lengths of Micro HDMI to HDMI Cords

6 How to Broadcast  Setup your event on The Cube  Accounts are free to create.  Go to your account and select "Schedule a Stream."  Fill in the info  Tag your event with your school and opposing school, if necessary  Select the kind of scoreboard, if necessary  Get the code for this event

7 How to Broadcast  Connecting the Equipment (Our Setup)  Connect Camera to Game Capture then connect Game Capture to Laptop  Connect USB Headsets to Laptop  Start XSplit software  Start Virtual Audio Cable (2 instances of the program)  Start broadcasting

8 Our Stats for the Last 2 Years 2014-20152015-2016 Fall Season Total:16,929 (20 events) Total:22,781 (20 events) Average:846.45Average:1139.05 Winter Season Total:19,846 (35 events) Total:6003 (12 events) Average:661.53Average:500.25 Non-Athletic Total:1235 (3 events) Total:1362 (5 events) Average:411.67Average:272.4

9 Advertising  We monetize our broadcasts by selling ads.  We developed a class to go out and sell the ads during "May Term."  Selling ads in person is much better than trying to do it through email.  Don't commit to making the ad for free!  Could be done if you have a class that is working on multimedia but you should still charge the customer!  This is not a donation! The company does get something in return for buying the ad.

10 How Advertising Works  You or a class sells Ads  Cost is $250 per season or $600 per year  Seasons are: Fall (8/1 - 11/30), Winter (12/1 - 3/31), Spring (4/1 - 7/31)  The school gets 50% of this money and The Cube gets 50%  Can be created by the company or by The Cube  The Cube creates invoices and collects the money  The School gets paid bi-annually by The Cube

11 What Ads Are There?  Display Ads  Can be static images or move between images. We serve 300x250 on all platforms and 320x50 on mobile sites and apps.  Video Ads  Short videos from 15 – 30 seconds  Email Ads  These are text ads served in emails to Cube followers sharing your sponsorship and support with them when event notices are sent

12 Ideas on Selling Ads  Broadcast a few events without ads and show people what it is or show a different school's broadcast.  Use kids to help sell the ads.  Offer levels that cost less than The Cube charges.  Go to companies that already sponsor something or have in the past.  Local banks seem to always be the easiest.  We've had a lot of success with companies that are owned by parents of High School students.

13 How We Modify It  We have added some extras to generate extra income  Sponsors for Pre-Game, Post-Game, Halftime, Player of the Game, etc  Use XSplit to insert commercials  Also can create commercials for customers  Athlete or Coach pre-recorded interview that is sponsored  Other Ideas:  Live read commercials during events  Adding sponsors to Digital Signage already in the building

14 Helpful Hints  Always test your broadband before you broadcast  Make sure the mic on the camera is muted or tell the person recording that whatever they say will be heard by everyone watching!  A restart has fixed almost every issue we've ever encountered  Use the broadcast as a platform to advertise for your school  Type up a reminder sheet for your announcer(s)  Promote your events!!!

15 Questions and My Contact Info  Geoff Kruse   (712) 472-2664

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