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“A Community That Inspires Excellence”. Salvatore A. Azzarello Dawn Baron Carmen Bellino Rob Camean Colleen Downey Greg Margolis Laura Petro Scott R.

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Presentation on theme: "“A Community That Inspires Excellence”. Salvatore A. Azzarello Dawn Baron Carmen Bellino Rob Camean Colleen Downey Greg Margolis Laura Petro Scott R."— Presentation transcript:

1 “A Community That Inspires Excellence”

2 Salvatore A. Azzarello Dawn Baron Carmen Bellino Rob Camean Colleen Downey Greg Margolis Laura Petro Scott R. Pepper Lori Prout Darrin Stark Aaron Wasserman Vanessa Wolsky

3 Review the Data Educational Implications Operational Implications Financial Implications Public Relations

4 Nationally 44 states require kindergarten 70% are full day New Jersey Does not mandate kindergarten 81.5% are full day (ASSA Data) Morris County (40 school districts) 23 full day programs 8 extended day programs (Hanover) 9 half day programs

5 Prior full day preschool and daycare experience Move to more rigorous educational standards Developmental needs of students - Early Intervention Staff stability

6 Enhanced social, emotional and behavior development (Children's Defense Fund, 2014). A good chance for early school success, particularly students who are young when they enter kindergarten or whose skills are below average at the start of school (Railback and Brewster, 2002). Increased engagement in daily math, social studies and science activities (NCES, 2004). Smoother transition to first grade. (Children's Defense Fund, 2014).

7 Meet the rigor of the Common Core State Standards by increasing instructional time to enhance all programs Prepare students for Common Core expectations of first grade and beyond Provide teachers with additional opportunities to differentiate instruction and meet the needs of all students across the broad learning spectrum Present children with opportunities to be a part of the overall school community Provide continuity to Hanover’s educational program

8 To create a vibrant, student-centered learning community that balances accountability and standards with developmental appropriateness, resulting in greater student success and personal growth.

9 Support CCSS in ELA through utilization of additional Superkids resources, literacy centers, guided reading groups, peer reading with 5th graders, cross-curricular activities, and technology resources Cultivate creativity and expression through increased writing experiences, and greater experimentation with different writing types Solidify foundational early literacy experiences by providing more ELA activities

10 Meet rigor of the Common Core State Standards in Mathematics by increasing instructional time of the current enVision Math program Strengthen math skills by utilizing greater exploration of technological resources, math centers, and extension of concepts Deeper exploration of STEM skills through hands- on learning experiences and technology

11 There is more instructional time for science, social studies. An example is using the FOSS science kits for experiments Expand student exploration and problem solving skills. Also increase fine motor skills with extended center activities such as cutting, letter formation, sewing, pasting, painting, etc. Prepare students for future technological expectations (i.e. PARCC testing and global communication) through more hands-on, digital applications, online assessments, keyboarding, and navigating devices (iPads)

12 MONDAYTUESDAYWEDNESDAYTHURSDAYFRIDAY Homeroom: 8:45 – 8:55 Unpack/ Morning Routine Unpack/ Morning Routine Unpack/ Morning Routine Unpack/ Morning Routine Unpack/ Morning Routine Period 1 8:55 – 9:35 Math Morning Meeting Math Morning Meeting Math Morning Meeting Math Morning Meeting Math Morning Meeting Period 2: 9:40 – 10:20 Math Centers Snack Math Centers Snack Math Centers Snack Math Centers Snack Math Centers Snack Period 3: 10:25 – 11:05 Special (Art) Special (Music) Special (Phys. Ed.) Special (Computers) Special (Media) Period 4: 11:10 – 12:00 English-Lang. Arts Period 5: 12:00 – 12:20 Centers Period 6: 12:20 – 12:55 Science and Social Studies Pack up and Dismissal: 12:55-1:05 Pack up and Dismissal

13 MONDAYTUESDAYWEDNESDAYTHURSDAYFRIDAY Homeroom:Unpack/ Morning Routine Unpack/ Morning Routine Unpack/ Morning Routine Unpack/ Morning Routine Unpack/ Morning Routine Period 1 8:55 – 9:35 Math Period 2: 9:40 – 10:20 Math Centers Snack Math Centers Snack Math Centers Snack Math Centers Snack Math Centers Snack Period 3: 10:25 – 11:05 Special (Art) Special (Music) Special (Phys. Ed.) Special (Computers) Special (Media) Period 4: 11:10 – 11:50 English-Lang. Arts 11:55 – 12:45LUNCH/RECESS Period 5: 12:50 – 1:30 Guided Reading Groups/Literacy Centers Period 6: 1:35 – 2:15 Writer’s Workshop Period 7: 2:20 – 3:00 ScienceSocial StudiesScienceSocial StudiesScience 3:05DISMISSAL

14 Transportation - Current Five hours a day Additional hours (late runs, field trips) Transportation - Proposed Flexible five hour days Includes late runs and field trips HTSACC Program Kinderkids Program Six positions

15 Salaries - Teachers and Aides$167,935 Health Benefits $176,112 HTSACC Facility Use$ 15,000 Transportation Savings ($ 60,000) TOTAL $299,047

16 2014 School Tax Levy $22,944,501 School tax per average assessed homeowner $2,620 Additional cost of kindergarten proposal for average assessed homeowner $16.90

17 Fit within the 2% cap allowance Go above the cap and vote on budget in November Second Question

18 Students More time (equivalent of 12 weeks a year) Improved educational program Faculty Stability Time to develop educational, social, emotional needs of students Residents / Taxpayers Potential increase in property value Minimal increase in taxes ($1.40 per month)

19 Support Board Resolution Public Relations

20 “A Community That Inspires Excellence”

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