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Výsledky práce Krúžku anglického jazyka COMENIUS – školské partnerstvá „Bez bariér a komplexov v európskej rodine“

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2 Výsledky práce Krúžku anglického jazyka COMENIUS – školské partnerstvá „Bez bariér a komplexov v európskej rodine“


4 United States of America. They have got 51 the body politic. USA are in south America.  Capital -Washington  The third longest river in the world is in the U.S.A and is it THE MISSISSIPPI- Missouri River.  The largest city in the USA is New York. Here is Stau Liberties.  The second largest city is Los Angeles in Califofnia  The third largest is Chicago.

5 This This is the flag the United States of America….

6  Some towns Americas myself range interim biggest at world according to figures inhabitant e.g.Ciudad de Mexico and Sao Paulo.  In Americas lead upwards of 900 milions inhabitant.  Interim non belong too Empire State whether Rio de Janeiro,Buonos Aires and Los Angeles.

7 Superior pueblo President - Barack Obama. His wife´s name is Michaella Obamova. And they have got two daughters. Barack Obama and his family live in White house.

8 Mostly are it fast-food for example - hamburger - cheeseburger - French fries - hot dog - pizza - cottage pie - sticky toffee pudding - chickenburger And drinks- lemonade -cola -coffee -hot chocolate -peaches juice -tea -redbull -milk


10 _ Start up in Americas. _ Invent their negroes when their white persons export by the sea how serf to America. _ Come into existence particular about New Orleans. - New Orleans – Chicago – New York. _ In jazz myself mostly use wind instruments. _ Allowing : saxophone, trumpet, catcall and next… _ Indicate myself first modern music.Not only instrumental case but too singing.


12  Zuzana Beňová 9.class  Andrea Kurtiková 7.class  Andrea Petrovajová 8.class  Lívia Rabajdová 6.class

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