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Issues in LEDC cities Squatter settlements. Key Questions What key terms do we need to know? How does rapid urbanisation create issues in LEDC’s? What.

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Presentation on theme: "Issues in LEDC cities Squatter settlements. Key Questions What key terms do we need to know? How does rapid urbanisation create issues in LEDC’s? What."— Presentation transcript:

1 Issues in LEDC cities Squatter settlements

2 Key Questions What key terms do we need to know? How does rapid urbanisation create issues in LEDC’s? What are squatter settlements and what challenges do the inhabitants and city authorities face?





7 Watch the clips Write down the SOCIAL, ECONOMIC AND ENVIRONMENTAL issues that you see KIBERA – Introduction KIBERA: Simon Cowell KIBERA: Russel Brand

8 Classifying the problems.. Economic issues Social problems Environmental issues Poverty Unemployment Supplying basics Crime rates Education Crowded Cramped Disease Sewerage Rubbish Air/water pollution

9 Describe a squatter settlement Use the sentence starters below to help you… Houses in squatter settlements are made from…. Amenities (a facility e.g. water/sewerage/gas/electricity) are hard to find in a squatter settlement, they often live without…. On the plus side you live……(friends/rent) It is highly unlikely you will …..(jobs/education)




13 Rio de Janeiro

14 Rocinha the largest favela in Rio de Janerio – but there are others!

15 Facts Rio is home to 11.8 million Half a million street dwellers Rochina: 100,000 people same as Nuneaton! Built on steep hill, the best spot for house is at bottom of hill as this is near water supply and main roads but this is where sewage runs to! 1988, 200 died due to mudslide Strong community spirit


17 BBC Learning zone clips about Rocinha rocinha-rio-de-janeiro/1693.html de-janeiro/518.html What are the issues facing the favela residents?

18 Research Rocinha - Rio Title: Problems of living in Rocinha 1.Include a map explaining where Rocinha is!!! 2.Heading One: Housing What are they made of? How many are there? Are there rules of size/proximity 3.Heading Two: Traffic Can you park a car in the favela? Can you drive to the favela? Is there a bus? 4.Heading Three: Pollution What is the sewage system? Is there access to water? What do inhabitants do with their rubbish? Format: table or continuous prose.

19 How can issues in the favelas be solved? Watch the clip – identify the issues and how they are being solved Michael Palin – from 20.30

20 Strategies to improve housing 45% urban population in developing worlds in squatter settlements. Previous solution: bulldoze them away

21 Two solutions Aided Self-Help Residents to work together to remove rubbish Provide grants for materials to improve homes Provide water supply, improve sanitation Community strength Site and Service Formal way Land is identified and water/electricity is built into hem Land divided into individual plots with structure confirmed before people move into the area.



24 Rio Olympic Park oKxu84 Rio – eO5K4U&feature=related

25 Create a table to illustrate the Solutions to Improve the Favela/Slums – be specific about named initiatives/organisations involved… Complete one for Kibera, in Nairobi, Kenya AND one for Rocinha, Rio de Janiero, Brazil

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