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Published byLora Banks Modified over 8 years ago
2 Districts under NFSM Total districts in state50 Districts under NFSM :- Rice9 Wheat30 Pulses50
3 a. Review of progress achieved under NFSM during 2009-10 National Food Security Mission Progress RICE 2009-10 Interventions Assistance Unit Target as per GOI Achievement Phy.Fin.Phy.Fin. DemonstrationsRs.2500/-Nos200050.00185235.92 SRIRs.3000/-Nos240072.00204342.20 Demo. on hybrid Rice Tech.Rs.3000/-Nos150045.00133523.91 Hybrid Rice DistributionRs. 2000/-Qtls200040.00517.520.03 Distribution of HYVs SeedsRs. 500/-Qtls30000150.00846863.75 Seed Minikits of HYVsFull costNos173740.00167140.00 Seed Minikits of HybridFull costNos50000.0050000.00 Micro-NutrientsRs. 500/-ha.25000125.0019933116.08 Conoweeder & otherRs. 3000/-Nos4000120.00274124.12 Zero Till Seed DrilsRs.15000/-Nos.507.5070.75 Seed DrilsRs.15000/-Nos.20030.00722.70 Mulit-crop planterRs.15000/-Nos.507.5010.00 RotavatorsRs.30000/-Nos.10030.00439.30 Diesel / Electric pump setRs.10000/-Nos.1000100.00104876.50 Power WeedersRs.15000/-Nos.20030.00150.00
4 Interventions Assistance Unit Target as per GOI Achievement Phy.Fin.Phy.Fin. Knap Sack SprayersRs.3000/-Nos.6000180.00405323.08 P.P.Chemi. & bio-agentsRs.500/-ha.40000200.0034940122.04 Farmer Training at FFSRs. 17000/-Nos23840.4621233.55 Award for DistrictRs. 5.00Nos15.0000.00 A. Misc. Exp. & PMT District level Rs. 6.36 lakhNos. 9 57.24 9 31.93 B. State levelRs.13.87lakhNos113.8710.91 Local Initiatives NadapRs.2000/-Nos.90018.0084215.74 VarmicompostRs.500/-Nos.850042.50252914.28 Purchas of Breeder SeedFull Cost @Rs.3000/- Qtls.1504.50122.72.51 Prod. of Foundation Seed Rs.500/-Qtls.600030.009803.71 Prod. of Certified Seed Rs.500/-Qtls.1200060.0013847.57 In complete work of Percolation Tank Nos.00.00019.74 Grand Total 1458.570690.32 Cont. …..
5 National Food Security Mission Progress WHEAT 2009-10 Component Approved rate of Assistance UNIT Target as per GOIAchievement PHYFINPHYFIN DemonstrationRs. 2000/-per Demo.Nos.20000400.0019884342.13 Seed distribution (33% / SRR) Rs.700/-per Qtls.Qt.2000001000.00151852670.79 Seed Minikits of improved varieties Full costQt.580570.00999690.00 Incentive for micro nutrients Rs.500/-per ha.Ha.150000750.00108543432.15 Incentive for gypsumRs.500/-per ha.Ha.60000300.003289885.82 Zerotillage seed drill machine Rs.15000/-per machine. Nos.20030.00577.50 Incentive for Rotavators machine Rs.30000/-per machine. Nos.1000300.00625126.90 Incentive on Mulit-crop planters Rs.15000/-per machine. Nos.15022.5000.00 Incentive on Seed DrillsRs.15000/-per machine. Nos.800120.0040745.29 Knep SeckRs.3000/-per machine.Nos.15000450.0037191263.31
6 Component Approved rate of Assistance UNIT Target as per GOIAchievement PHYFINPHYFIN Sprinkler setsRs.7500/-per ha.Nos.5000375.004652330.22 Award for best performing districts Rs.5.00 lakh per yearNos.15.0000.00 diseal pumpsets of 10 ha. Rs.10000/-per set.Nos.100001000.008080740.01 Farmer Training on FFS Pattern Rs.17000/-per Taining. Nos.655111.35673110.33 Miscellaneous Expenditure Rs. 6.38 lakh per disstt. 0000.00 Project Management team and other Expenses at District level. Rs. 6.38 Per Distt. 0000.00 One Consultant per district Rs. 15000/-per month Nos.3054.001420.97 Four technical assistants per district Rs. 8000/Nos.120115.206659.67 Contingencies Expenses Rs. 1.00 lakhNos.3022.203022.87 Cont. …..
7 Component Approved rate of Assistance UNIT Target as per GOIAchievement PHYFINPHYFIN Project Management team and other Expenses Rs. 13.87 lakhNos. One Consultant per State Rs. 20000/-per monthNos.24.8024.46 Two senior technical assistants Rs. 12000/-per monthNos.22.8800.00 Other misc. expencesRs. 1.00 lakh per year per state Nos.16.1901.37 Local Initiatives 00.00 Nadap50% or Rs.2000/-Nos.300060.00212143.39 Varmicompost50% or Rs.500/-Nos.1485074.25610625.42 Breeder SeedFull Cost @ Rs.3150/-Nos.250078.75184239.42 Prod. of Foundation Seeds Rs.300/- Per Qtl.Qtls.50000150.003999392.28 Production of Certified Seeds Rs.300/- Per Qtl.Qtls.70000210.0078518174.82 In complet work of P.T./MIT Nos. 00.00084.38 Grand Total 5642.12 3723.50 Cont. …..
8 ComponentApproved rate of Assistance UNITTarget as per GOI Achievement PHYFINPHYFIN Prod. of breeder seedRs. 2.00 croreQt.0000.00 Purchase of Breeder Seed Full costQt.2500130.85190474.05 Prod. of Foundation SeedRs. 1000/-Qt.10000100.0021526225.39 Prod. of Certified SeedRs. 1000/-Qt.70000700.0059841457.93 Distri. of Certified SeedRs.2000/-Qt.80000960.0061702510.81 Strengthening of seed certification agency. Rs.25.00Nos.125.0000.00 INM a.Gypsum/LimeRs.750/-Ha.50000375.0053404161.90 b- MicronutrentRs.500/-Ha.75000375.0063482324.79 IPMRs.750/-Ha.103000772.5098552642.09 Sprinklar sets Rs.7500/-Nos.10000750.008716613.24 Zero Till Seed DrilsRs.15000/-Nos.507.5091.05 Mulit-crop plantersRs.15000/-Nos.507.5000.00 National Food Security Mission Progress PULSES 2009-10 Unit:- Rs. In lakhs
9 Component AssistanceUNITTargetAchievement PHYFINPHYFIN Distribution of Seed DrillsRs.15000/-Nos.1000150.0044550.84 RotaveterRs.30000/-Nos.10030.0022664.60 Pump SetsRs.10000/-Nos.2000200.002551227.34 Knap Seck spry.Rs.3000/-Nos.10500315.0031229205.97 FFSRs. 17000/-Nos.1000170.00979162.00 Trainers trainingRs.1.00 lakhNos.55.0053.02 Award for best performing Districts Rs.5.00 lakhNos.15.0000.00 Miscellaneous expenses & PMT District Level Rs. 4.47 lakh No.s20 89.402022.56 Miscellaneous expenses & PMT State Level Rs. 6.28 lakh Nos. 1 6.2816.62 Local initatives NadapRs.2000/-Nos.100020.0096918.54 VarmicompostRs.500/-Nos.460023.0019899.37 Pipe LineRs.15000/-Nos.60090.001531178.96 Rain GunRs 6000/-Nos.150090.002219.05 Grand Total 5397.033970.12 Cont. …..
10 b. I. Planning of input procurement for Kharif 2010-11 Action plan for Implementation of NATIONAL FOOD SECURITY MISSION- RICE during 2010-11 ( Rupees in lakhs) InterventionsAssistanceUnitApproved Target PhysicalFinancial 234 78 Demonstration 0.4 haRs.2500/-Nos.180045.00 Demonstration (SRI) 0.4 haRs.3000/-Nos.60018.00 Demonstration on Hybrid Rice Technology Of 0.4 haRs.3000/-Nos.60018.00 Distribution of hybrid RiceRs. 2000/-Qtls.200040.00 Distribution of HYVs seedsRs. 500/-Qtls.30000150.00 Seed Minikit of HYVs (5 kg)Full costNos.173740.00 Incentive for Micro-nutrientsRs. 500/-Ha20000100.00 P.P. Chemicals and buio-agentsRs.500/-ha30000150.00 Conoweeder and otherRs. 3000/-Nos.250075.00 Knap Sack Sprayers & othersRs.3000/-Nos.200060.00 Zero Till Seed DrilsRs.15000/-Nos.253.75 Mulit-crop plantersRs.15000/-Nos.101.50 Seed DrillsRs.15000/-Nos.15022.50 Power WeederRs.15000/-Nos.101.50 RotavatorsRs.30000/-Nos.10030.00 Disel / Electrict pumpRs.10000/-Nos.1000100.00 FFSRs. 17000/-Nos.23840.46 Award for DistrictRs. 5.00 LakhNos.15.00
11 ( Rupees in lakhs) InterventionsApproved rate of AssistanceUnit Approved Target Phy.Finan. 23478 Misce exp.& PMT District level Rs. 6.36 lakh No of distt. 957.240 State levelRs. 13.87 lakh No of state. 113.87 Local initiatives Nos.00.00 Nadap50% or Rs.2000/-Nos.255051.00 Varmicompost50% or Rs.500/-Nos.1800090.00 Purches of Breeder Seed (Within 10 years) Full cost @ Rs.3000.00 per qtl.)Qtls.3009.00 Production of Foundation SeedRs. 500/- Per Qtl.Qtls.300015.00 Production of Certified SeedRs. 500/- Per Qtl.Qtls.700035.00 TOTAL 1131.82 Cont. …..
12 Action plan for Implementation of NATIONAL FOOD SECURITY MISSION-WHEAT Year 2010-11 Interventions Approved rate of Assistance UnitTentative Targets worked out by GOI Targets Proposed By state Phy.Fin.Phy.Fin. DemonstrationRs. 2000/-Nos.11611232.2220000400.00 Increase in SRR (seed Distri.)Rs.500/-Qtls. 2500001250.002500001250.00 Minikits of HYVs of wheat (10 kg )Full costNos. 580570.00700000.00 Incentive for Micro-nutrientsRs.500/-Ha 150000750.00150000750.00 Gypsum (salt affected soils)Rs.500/-Ha 30000150.0030000150.00 Knap Sack Sprayers and otherRs.3000/-Nos. 25000750.0025000750.00 Incentive Zero Till Seed DrilsRs.15000/-Nos. 25037.5015022.50 Incentive on Mulit-crop plantersRs.15000/-Nos. 203.00101.50 Incentive on Seed DrillsRs.15000/-Nos. 25037.5030045.00 Incentive on RotavatorsRs.30000/-Nos. 30090.00400120.00 Disel / Electrict pump setRs.10000/-Nos. 3500350.005000500.00 Incentive for Sprinkler setsRs.7500/-Ha 2000150.002000150.00
13 InterventionsApproved rate of Assistance UnitTentative Targets worked out by GOI Targets Proposed By state Phy.Fin.Phy.Fin. FFSRs.17000/-Nos.43774.2943774.29 Award for DistrictRs.5.00 lakhNo.15.001 Misc. exp. & PMT District level Rs. 6.38 lakhNo.30191.40 30 191.40 State levelRs. 13.87 lakhNos.113.87 1 Local iniatives Nos. 500.00 0.00 Nadap Rs.2000/- Nos. 150030.00 VarmicompostRs.500/-Nos. 400020.00 Breeder Seed ( Within 10 Years) Full cost. (Rs. 3000/-) Qtls. 250075.00 Production of Foundation (SeedWithin 10 Years) Rs.300/-Qtls. 2500075.00 TOTAL 4584.78 4623.56 Cont. …..
14 Action plan for Implementation of NATIONAL FOOD SECURITY MISSION-PULSES during 2010-11 ( Rupees in lakhs) Interventions Approved rate of Assistance Unit Approved Target Phy.Fin. Purchase of breeder seed of Pulses form ICAR. Full cost (Appr. Rs.5234/-) Qtls.2500130.85 Production of foundation seedRs. 1000/-Qtls.25000250.00 Production of Certified seedRs. 1000/-Qtls.1300001300.00 Distribution of Certified seed Rs.1200/-Qtls.1500001800.00 Strengthening of State seed Certification Agency Rs.25.00Nos.125.00 Technology Demo. of 0.4 ha.Rs.2000/-Nos.36300726.00 I.N.M. : Lime/Gypsum Rs.750/-ha.76500573.75 Micronutrients Rs.500/-ha.81000405.00
15 ( Rupees in lakhs) Interventions Approved rate of Assistance UnitApproved Target Phy.Fin. Rizobium culture / P.S.B. Rs.100/-ha.100000100.00 Integrated Pest Management Rs.750/-ha.100000750.00 P.P. Chemicals Rs.500/-ha.86700433.50 Knap Sack Sprayers and otherRs.3000/-Nos.10000300.00 Zero Till Seed DrillsRs.15000/-Nos.46069.00 Multi-crop plantersRs.15000/-Nos.10015.00 Distribution of Seed DrillsRs.15000/-Nos.950142.50 Distribution of RotavatorsRs.30000/Nos.1000300.00 Distribution of Sprinkler sets Rs.7500/-ha.3000225.00 Cont. …..
16 ( Rupees in lakhs) Interventions Approved rate of Assistance UnitApproved Target Phy.Fin. Diesel / Electric pump setsRs.10000/-Nos.5000500.00 Pipe for carrying water from source to the field (800 m.) Rs. 15000/-Meters1790600335.738 Training on pattern of FFSRs. 17000/-Nos.1000170.000 State level Training for TrainersRs.1.00 lakhNos.11.000 Award for DistrictsRs.5.00 lakhNo. dist.15.00 District Level (Existing NFSM districts.) Rs. 4.47 lakh per disstt. No. dist.2089.400 State LevelRs. 6.28 lakhNos.16.28 Misc. exp. to state for other DistRs.1.00 lakhNos.3030.00 Local initiatives NadepRs.2000/-Nos.8000160.00 Vermi compostRs.500/-Nos.1500075.00 Rain gunRs. 6000/-Nos.5000300.00 TOTAL 9218.018 Cont. …..
17 NFSM Financial Position of the year 2009-10 & Approved plan 2010-11 Unit – Rs. Lakhs CropsTargets Finally Approved by GOI for 2009- 10 Tentative Allocatio n for 2009-10 Release for 2009- 10 Balance as on 1-4-2009 Total Avaibility Including Balance for 2009-10 (5+6) Expenditu re up to 31 March.10 Balance as on date (7-8) Approved Action Plan Rice1458.57642.000.00805.77 690.32115.451131.82 Wheat5642.123656.002500.001903.434403.433723.50679.934623.56* Pulses5397.036190.313433.401331.614765.013970.12794.899218.02 Publicity0-0072.000.00257.00 32.61224.390.00 Total12497.7210560.325933.404297.8110231.218416.551814.6714973.40 * Approval of proposed State Action Plan – Wheat is still awaited from GOI.
18 b. II. Planning of inputs procurement for Kharif 2010 NFSM – Rice Hyv’s for distribution : The planning for procurement has been made through NSC, SFCI, Markfed. Hybrid Seed for distribution : Indent to AP, SSC and JNKVV Jabalpur has been given. Zinc sulphate/gypsum : District Agriculture Officers have placed supply order to Markfed and M.P. Agro. Supply is in progress NFSM – Pulses Hyv’s for distribution : The seed will be procured from NSC, SFCI, & SSC. Gypsum/Zinc sulphate/Culture – These input will be procured from M.P. Agro, Markfed & supply is under progress.
19 c. Planning and progress of input supply in A3P Kharif units The A3P meeting was held on 20-05-2010 at Directorate of Agriculture, Bhopal with input supplying agencies and DDA’s to ensure the availability of combined kits under A3P. Conclusion of the meeting are as follows: –Representative of M.P. Agro, Markfed, IFCO, Kribhco attended the meeting. –District Agriculture Officers (DDA) of A3P districts were also present. – M.P. Agro & Markfed took the joint responsibility to make available the combined kits to the A3P districts. –District Agriculture Officers have been delegated the power or procurement of the kits by Director Agriculture M.P., Bhopal. –In the meeting Director Agriculture stronglly instructed the DDA’s to procure the kits and should be supplied to the farmer well in time.
20 Status of minikits distribution of rice and A3P pulses for 2010-11 d. I. District wise, variety wise and Agencies wise seed minikits Allocation under NFSM – Rice (HYV Rice) for 2010-11 (Kharif) S. No.DistrictNo. of rice Minikits (5 Kg each) G. TotalDestination point NSCSFCINo. of Kits Quantity (Qtls) MTU-1010 (LS) NDR-8002- (MS) 1.Katni14009002300115.00Katni 2.Mandla1200700190095.00Mandla 3.Dindori12008002000100.00Dindori 4.Damoh1200700190095.00Damoh 5.Panna1200700190095.00Panna 6.Rewa1100700180090.00Rewa 7.Satna1074800187493.70Stna 8.Shahdol1100700180090.00Shahdol 9.Anuppur1100800190095.00Anuppur Total10574680017374868.70
21 d. II. Details of A3P districts in the state of M.P. under NFSM - Pulses S. No.DistrictsCropNo of unitName of Blocks 1.ChhindwaraArhar3Mohekhed, Chhindwara, Amarwada, Saunsar, Tamia, 2.NarshinghpurArhar3Sainkhed, Babai Chichli, Chawarpatha, Kareli 3.ChhatarpurUrd3Chhatarpur, Londi, Bada Malhera, Baxwaha, Bijawar 4.JabalpurUrd3Jabalpur, Manjholi, Patan, Shahpura 5.JhabuaUrd3Jhabua, Meghnagar, Rama, Petlabad, Ranapur 6.AlirajpurUrd4Alirajpur, Jobat, Udaygarh, Bhawra, Kattiwada, Sondwa 7.TikamgarhUrd7Tikamgarh, Baldevgarh, Paler, Prithvipur, Niwari, Jatara
22 d. III. District wise variety wise and Agency wise seed minikit allocation under A3P – NFSM Pulses S. No. DistrictsUnits (No.)NSCSFCITotalDestination point ARHAR - Laxmi (ICPL-85063) (Qty.4 Kg. Per Kit) Urad - Azad Urd-2 (Qty. 4 Kg. Per Kit) No.Qty. (qt) No.Qty. (qt) No.Qty. (qt) 1Chhindwada2+1*3000120.00003000120.00Chhindwada 2Narsinghpur1+2*3000120.00003000120.00Narsinghpur 3Jabalpur3003000120.003000120.00Jabalpur 4Tikamgarh7007000280.007000280.00Tikamgarh- 5Chhatarpur3003000120.003000120.00Chhatarpur 6.Jhabua3003000120.003000120.00Jhabua 7.Alirajpur44000160.004000160.00Jhabua TOTAL266000240.0020000800.00260001040.00 * Unit for NCIPM
23 (1)The supply of seed minikits of rice through NSC/SFCI. a.The NSC has insured to supply the targeted seed minikits latest by the end of this month. b.The SFCI expressed his difficulty in supplying the minikits due to on going agitation at Vehraich seed farm in the state of U.P. The reason of agitation as informed by the SFCI official is the closure of the seed farm. However, the Regional Manager SFCI has expressed his views that all efforts will be made to supply the kits. 2.Seed minikits under A3P : NSC and SFCI has already started the supply of seed kits and which will be completed by the end of this month. d. IV. Seed Mini kits Status of NFSM & A3P under NFSM Pulses - 2010-11
24 e. APY of rice, pulses in NFSM/ Non-NFSM districts from 2007-08 to 2009-10 Area, Production & Yield - 2007-08 Area- 000 ha., Production- 000 Tonnes,, Yield- Kg/ha. AreaProductionYield NFSM Distt. Non NFSM Distt. Total state NFSM Distt. Non NFSM Distt. Total state NFSM Distt. Non NFSM Distt. Total state ACereal 1Rice815.2819.71635463.2861.91325.15681051810 2Wheat284812424090402927006729141521751643 BPULSES 1Arhar15117032111599214761581666 2Urad31814646410656163335384351 3Moong413475131124317330323 4Gram1705727243312045281732706727712 5Lentil34013147214859207436449440 6Pea1006316364521666499334436 Total Pulses26551272392722317753006840609765
25 Area, Production &Yield - year 2008-09 Area- 000 ha., Production- 000 Tonnes, Yield- Kg/ha. AreaProductionYield NFSM Distt. Non NFSM Distt. Total state NFSM Distt. Non NFSM Distt. Total state NFSM Distt. Non NFSM Distt. Total state ACereal 1Rice832.18401672715.1837.71552.8859997927 2Wheat270210703772433724906827160523261806 BPULSES 1Arhar1621703311691373061045808924 2Urad28216444610664170377390382 3Moong465197182139389415403 4Gram1857878273515867592345854865857 5Lentil39113852919471265496513500 6Pea150952457748123511484500 Total Pulses288914954383215010883237744728739
26 Area,Production &Yield - year 2009-10 Area- 000 ha., Production- 000 Tonnes, Yield- Kg/ha. S. No. Crops. AreaProductionYield NFSM Distt. Non NFSM Distt. Total state NFSM Distt. Non NFSM Distt. Total state NFSM Distt. Non NFSM Distt. Total state ACereal 1Rice644.9668.11313.0583.5676.21259.79051012959 2Wheat2966.01296.04262.05314.03193.08507.0179224641996 BPULSES 1Arhar216.0209.0425.0204.0158.0362.0940758851 2Urad371.0242.0613.0144.089.0233.0389368381 3Moong58.059.0117. 4Gram2198.11035.13233.22374.51052.63427.1108010171060 5Lentil392.0173.2565.2241.797.4339.2617563600 6Pea162.289.5251.799.048.0147.1611537585 Total Pulses3397.21808.15205.33085.51470.24555.7908813875
27 f. Status of Online submission of progress reports up to districts/block levels Under progress.
28 Thanks
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