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Ch. 5 PERIODIC TABLE - Periodic Law Groups Periods.

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1 Ch. 5 PERIODIC TABLE - Periodic Law Groups Periods


3 Mendeleev 1st dude to arrange the elements in order of increasing mass so the similar elements were in the same column (remember this!!!!!)

4 Periodic Law = elements arranged by increasing atomic number
Modern Periodic Law Periodic Law = elements arranged by increasing atomic number

5 Groups are the vertical columns in the periodic table (1-18)

6 Groups Elements in Same Group = Act the same!!!!! Just like Mendeleev predicted, NOT BAD FOR AN OLD SCHOOL GUY

7 Groups Nitrogen (N) will act/behave more like Phosphorus (P) because they are in the same GROUP. Group 15

8 QUESTION Which element would act most like Fluorine? Sulfur Carbon Chlorine Hydrogen

9 Periods are the horizontal rows of the periodic table (1-7)

10 Sentences are read HORIZONTALLY, and end with a PERIOD.
Periods vs Groups Sentences are read HORIZONTALLY, and end with a PERIOD.

11 Question Group Period Aluminum Calcium

12 Valence Electrons Valence Electrons - are the electrons in the OUTERMOST (highest) energy level

13 Octet Rule Every atom wants 8 valence electrons, so they will gain or lose them to get that 8 8 = Stable

14 Group 18, the noble gases have 8 valence electrons
Octet Rule Group 18, the noble gases have 8 valence electrons VERY VERY STABLE, THEY DON’T REACT

15 Octet Rule

16 Phosphorus (neutral) Atomic # = 15 Protons = 15 Electrons = 15
Mass # - Atomic # = # Neutrons = 16 Neutrons P = 16 N = 15 Valence Electrons = 5

17 Phosphorous wants 8 electrons in it outer energy level to be stable
Phosphorous wants 8 electrons in it outer energy level to be stable. (8=stable)

18 Gains 3 Electrons to get that magic number 8
Phosphorous ION Gains 3 Electrons to get that magic number 8 P = 16 N = 15

19 Phosphorous Ion P-3

20 Magnesium (neutral) Atomic # = 12 Protons = 12 Electrons = 12
Mass # - Atomic # = # Neutrons = 12 Neutrons P = 12 N = 12

21 Easier for it to lose 2 electrons to have its lower energy level full
Magnesium Ion Easier for it to lose 2 electrons to have its lower energy level full P = 12 N = 12

22 Magnesium Ion Mg +2

23 Charges of the groups Group 1 = +1 Group 2 = +2 Group 13 = +3 Group 14 = +/- 4 Group 15 = -3 Group 16 = -2 Group 17 = -1 Group 18 = 0 (stable)

24 Color ANOTHER periodic table
Read through pages and color the 8 different categories of elements from the book on your small periodic table

25 Electro negativity Electronegativity – ability of an element to attract electrons (-) to itself

26 Electro Negativity Trend in periodic table: Increases from LEFT – RIGHT Increases from BOTTOM - TOP


28 Which element has a greater electronegative value?
Be Na O Ca

FLUORINE – most electronegative element (best looking element, everything is attracted to FLUROINE)

30 Atomic Radius – how big an atom is in size

31 Atomic Radius Atomic Radius trend: -INCREASES from RIGHT – LEFT - INCREASES from TOP - BOTTOM


33 Question Which element has the biggest atomic radii? Sr B F Be

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