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L5- Chapter 3 P aragraph S tructure.  Paragraph Structure  1- Organization Three Parts of a Paragraph ( examples) The Topic Sentence Supporting Sentences.

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Presentation on theme: "L5- Chapter 3 P aragraph S tructure.  Paragraph Structure  1- Organization Three Parts of a Paragraph ( examples) The Topic Sentence Supporting Sentences."— Presentation transcript:

1 L5- Chapter 3 P aragraph S tructure

2  Paragraph Structure  1- Organization Three Parts of a Paragraph ( examples) The Topic Sentence Supporting Sentences  2- Punctuations Apostrophes  3-The Writing Process  (Outlining following the examples)  4. Review  5.Writing Assignments  6.Summary Writing I  6 (37-57)

3 Paragraph Structure (1)

4 Definition of Paragraph as you know is A group of related sentences develop one idea(the idea is the topic sentence)

5 The structure(parts) of this paragraph consist of: Part 3 Concluding Sentence Summarize the main idea or write the topic sentece in different words Part 2 Supporting Sentences Details about the topic Part 1 Topic sentence What is the topic is trying to discuss

6 Sandwich Upper slice (topic sentence) Enclosure (supporting sentences) down slice (concluding sentence) Umm A delicious

7 Read A Wedding in Hawaii Model {1} To Know the 3 parts of the paragraph

8 The mix of culture in Hawaii makes weddings there re special occasions The first ; topic sentence

9 2. Certainly,…….. 3.For example,……. 4.Both the bride and the groom wear…… 5.The bride……. 6.Another Hawaiian custom… 7. Hawaiian music… 8. Other custom 9. For instance, 10. There may be 11. during The second Supporting sentences 2-11

10 12. All in all, a Hawaiian wedding is truly a magical multicultural invent. The third part Concluding Sentence

11 Answer the Questions on this Model P: 39 Then study the each part of the paragraph. The topic sentence: is very important it divided to 2: Topic (name) Controlling idea Speak about this topic

12 See Page(39) A)-The last topic is: Hawaiian Wedding B) Controlling sentences: What is the paragraph will tells about this topic Why called controlling?( is limit the topic to a very specific points

13 Practice 1- P:40 In group or whole discuss: Predict the content of controlling idea about: 1. Some wedding are very elaborate 2. Some wedding are very simple 3. Some wedding take place in unusual locations

14 Position of topic sentence in The first sentence in a paragraph But some good writer put it the end But the best is at the top

15 A good topic sentence always Not too general not too specific See example practice 1 P:{49}

16 Practice 2 {P:40- 41- 42} A)- put {√} to a good topic sentences. B)- read the 2 paragraph then choose a best topic sentence from the three choices (a,b,c) C)- give the topic and controlling ideas {P:42

17 Developing Topic Sentences (P:43) - 1. Imagine I give you a topic called friends (it is too wide for a paragraph) - 2. Narrow it to smaller - 3. it is better to do so to use listing techniques yu know. - 4. write any words about friend or phrases come to your mind. - L K at this list

18 DEVELOPING THE TOPIC SENTENCES (p”43) FRIENDS AS EXAMPLE (topic sentence) a list of Friends– or --Kinds of friend New friendsFriends from school Old friendsCasual friends Best friendsHow to make friend Childhood friendsWhat is a friend

19 Choose one from the list- make a second list What’s a friend for example Have fun withShare problems Hang out withIs loyal Play sport withCan depend on Share secretsHelp each other Can trustAsk advice Enjoy the same activitiesLike the same movies Like the same activities Make controlling ideas from above: Afriend is a person you can share secret with A friend who show loyality A friend is a person who like sthe movies you like

20 P: 43 Try it out (Pair works) Step 1 Choose one topic and then follow the list technique to make topic sentences: I choose one: Ways of wasting Time (topic+controlling ideas) 1. ways of wasting time can be in a useful activities 2. Ways of wasting time can be useless activities 3. Ways of wasting time can be enjoyable 4. Ways of wasting time can boring

21 Step 2 (P:44) Supporting sentences Give more information about the topic sentence Example the topic about: Ways of wasting time Supporting sentences: ways of wasting time can be in a useful activities like reading books, practicing sport, helping children at the Orphanages and share in keeping your city clean.

22 - Ways of wasting time can be in useless activities for example wondering on streets aimless, drawing on others’ walls, playing football on street when people resting at home, leaving school homework and watching TV, or sleeping and there is some duties to do ….etc

23 Practice 3(Groups)- P:44 Write supporting Sentences Read topic sentences Fill in the blank with supporting sentences. Add many supporting sentence Follow the given example in all (1) to (6)

24 Important Signal Phrase(P:45) It use to give examples Some come at the beginning of sentences use comma after it before the example (for example, (for instance,) If the signal phrases come in the middle don’t use comma (such as) see examples about signal phrases on the table P:45

25 Practice 4( read and usesignal phrases P 45) Fill in the gap using the 3 words blow the put comma when necessary: For example For instance Such as

26 Practice 5 (P: 46) Supporting Sentences + Examples Back to A Hawaiian wedding P:38 Then complete the box By copying the supporting sentences into box There are 2 supporting point sentences and several examples There is a concluding sentence

27 Concluding signals P:47 A- That followed by a comma That followed by a comma B-That not followed by a comma All in allIn a summaryIt is clear that In briefIn conclusionThese examples show that… In conclusionTo summarizeYou can see that IndeedTo sum up In short 3 Rule 1: begin with concluding signals then put a comma ( some don’t use it) Rule 2: at the end remind the reader with the main idea not copy the same one using special methods as follow:

28 Ways of concluding the paragraph This is a Topic sentence: example (1)successful bidding on eBay requires patience and strategy…can be concluded as: 1. In conclusion, wait patiently and place your bid with precision timing and you will be the winning bidder every time Example (2) to Summarize the main point nor points of the paragraph In conclusion, follow the steps I have outlined, and you will be the winning bidder every time.

29 3. Never end a paragraph by introducing new idea as: In conclusion, you can spend a lot of money on eBay XXX Attention Please Not all paragraph need conclusion, but the one stand alone need a conclusion

30 Practice 6- P: 47 choose a best conclusion A & B then give concluding sentences for the three example paragraph

31 Practice 7- P49-50 The paragraphs in this practice are not in a correct order( Scrambled) – Using the 5 steps or directions given then: 1- put the sentences in their correct order 2- Copy them to the next page in the diagram E-f-a-c-i-d-g-h=b Back to Try it out P:43 on the topic you chose and make supporting ideas Make a diagram like on P:50

32 P:: 51- 52

33 Punctuation- P:51- Apostrophes Uses of apostrophes (‘) Contraction show where the letter is missing isn’t He’s- You’re Possessive (own) Fatima’s book To make the letter of alphabet plural girls’ books Shams’ s pen Boss’s car

34 Open your book P:51-52


36 Practice 8- Home works Page 53-54 A)-change to possessive (1-11) B) Make Possessive Phrase C)- Make sentences use possessive

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