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Home Control System by web and SMS Son Jin Ho. Contents Home network concept System features System flow diagram Database diagram Component diagram of.

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Presentation on theme: "Home Control System by web and SMS Son Jin Ho. Contents Home network concept System features System flow diagram Database diagram Component diagram of."— Presentation transcript:

1 Home Control System by web and SMS Son Jin Ho

2 Contents Home network concept System features System flow diagram Database diagram Component diagram of camera Component diagram of Home Homepage capture screen Hardware picture

3 Home network concept

4 Monitoring home environment using pen-tilt camera Remote control for home environment Prevention of crime (motion capture ability of camera) Fire-detection sensor SMS service and alarm in case of emergency Energy management system System features

5 System flow diagram (software) SMS transmitter module Hardware Communication module User service module HARDWARE HARDWARE SMS server Cell phone User Internet Message Internet

6 SERVERSERVER Radio Trans/Recive module Device 1 RS-232 wireless RS-232 Radio Trans/Recive module Device 3 Device 2 System flow diagram (hardware)

7 r_stats : request control from web to device h_stats: current state of device Motor control DB (h, j, k, l, s) Server DB Send control singnal at DB read current state of device From DB Periodical check Hardwaer Internet user Cell phone Database diagram

8 Component diagram of camera PWM control Control module Servo 1 Servo 2 PWM control Left/right Control Top/bottom Control (angle: 180 degree) (angle: 120 degree) Monitoring camera Home server RS232 ATmega128

9 LED Home server Blooth Control module ATmega128 bulb 1 bulb 2 Gas valve LED Servo Fire-detection system Alarm lamp BUZZER LED Alarm bell Detection sensor Informing message to user in case of fire Regularity lamp Component diagram of Home

10 Homepage capture screen

11 Hardware picture

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