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Presentation on theme: "THE DEVELOPMENT OF WORKING HOURS, SHIFTS AND ROSTERS FOR OPTIMAL PERFORMANCE IN BUSINESS. Ian Dunican – MBA, MMinEng,GCSSc,BA. PhD student,Center for Sleep."— Presentation transcript:

1 THE DEVELOPMENT OF WORKING HOURS, SHIFTS AND ROSTERS FOR OPTIMAL PERFORMANCE IN BUSINESS. Ian Dunican – MBA, MMinEng,GCSSc,BA. PhD student,Center for Sleep Science,UWA and Combat Centre,Australian Institute of Sport Director –Sleep4Performance Co Chair Occupational Health,Safety & Performance,Australasian Sleep Association Contact : Perth,Western Australia 6000 & 0409 680 867


3 Setting the Scene The most recent statistics indicate that the majority of the working population is engaged in irregular or “non-standard” working hours, including shift and night work, week-end work, split shifts, on-call work, compressed weeks, telework, part- time work, variable/flexible working time, and prolonged duty Feeling fatigued is an everyday experience. Everyone can recognize the symptoms – lethargy, inability to concentrate, slow reaction times, feeling irritable. Fatigued individuals may even have a good idea why they feel this way – long hours, lack of sleep or because what they are doing requires intense concentration. There may even be a combination of causes. The question is, what can be done to reduce fatigue/increase alertness. Costa, G. 2010. Shift work and health: current problems and preventive actions. Saf Health Work, 1, 112-23. Energy Institute,2006,Wake up to fatigue risk management,Human Factors.

4 Contents Sleep Science Shift roster factors Bio mathematical modeling tool(FAST) for design. Current research Questions and Answers


6 Sleep Science

7 Lets look at the sleep stages Important for physical recovery Important for mental recovery and alertness

8 Circadian Body Clock Bill Sirois and Sam Sirois,2013, Circadian influence on athletic performance, a focus on baseball, Circadian technologies.

9 Estimating sleep and performance. Van Dongen, Maislin, Mullington, & Dinges (2003). The cumulative cost of additional wakefulness: dose-response effects on neurobehavioral functions and sleep physiology from chronic sleep restriction and total sleep deprivation. Sleep, 26, 117-126. Vigilance Lapses Days of Sleep Restriction Actual SleepinessSelf-Rated Sleepiness 4 hr sleep 6 hr sleep 8 hr sleep Stanford Sleepiness Scale Days of Sleep Restriction

10 Prediction Accuracy -modeling BaselineRestrictionRecovery SAFTE Prediction R2 = 0.94 Johnson et a. (2004). Modulating the homeostatic process to predict performance during chronic sleep restriction. Aviation, Space and Environmental Medicine, 75(3 Suppl):A141-6.


12 Productivity Increases –Roster rotation Czeisler M-EC. Rotating Shift Work Schedules That Disrupt Sleep Are Improved by Applying Circadian Principles Science 1982;217 (4558). Changed the rosters to rotate forward days to evenings to nights Utilisation of circadian principles Improved production Reduction in turnover Improved worker satisfaction

13 Hours of work and productivity Folkard S, Tucker P. Shift work, safety and productivity. Occupational Medicine. 2003;53(2):95-101.

14 Shift Length -8hr versus 12 hr shifts The operations choose to trial 2 X 10 hour shift. The day shift ran from 07:00 – 17:00 and the night shift ran from 17:00 -03:00. Avoid the circadian low period from 03:00 – 06:00. 4400 hours were lost the year prior to the change. Post the roster and shift length change it was reduced to 2206 hours which is a 50% reduction in time lost. Hossain JLR, Lawrence W ; Heslegrave, Ronald J ; Hall, Gordon W ; Kayumov, Leonid ; Chung, Sharon A ; Bhuiya, Pintu ; Jovanovic, Dragona ; Huterer, Nada ; Volkov, Jana ; Shapiro, Colin M. Subjective and objective evaluation of sleep and performance in daytime versus nighttime sleep in extended-hours shift-workers at an underground mine. Journal of occupational and environmental medicine / American College of Occupational and Environmental Medicine,. 2004;Vol.46(3) 212-26

15 SAFTE Is The Most Accurate Best model for predicting fatigue associated with sleep restriction Model Author RRMSE (% Error) Low score is better Rank Subjective Fatigue Rank Cognitive Performance Subjective Fatigue Cognitive Performance Hursh (SAFTE 2)* NA70.91-1 Hursh (SAFTE 1) 54.9281.2113 Dawson/Fletcher (FAID) 65.9574.5722 Spencer/Belyavin (SAFE) 74.2290.7654 Jewett/Kronauer69.1092.2745 Folkard/Akerstedt68.7793.8736 Moore-Ede (CAS) 89.5599.9967

16 SAFTE Model Components

17 Example of Post Night Shift (FIFO) current state It takes 4 days to recover above 90% effectiveness People are commuting home with the same reaction time of driving at twice the legal BAC

18 Example of Post Night Shift (FIFO) future state Recovery reduced to only 2 days to achieve 90% effectiveness - improves quality of R/R Commute home now in the green zone

19 Benefits of Models vs Rules Model can consider more factors than rules Longitude and latitude of location –Canada,Singapore,Australia Considers the cumulative effects of fatigue (no simple rule can reflect this) Considers time of day and circadian factors (difficult to reflect in simple rules) The model (and its utility in fatigue management) can be improved with experience (unlike “set” rules) Scheduling for overtime Employee engagement and involvement n roster design Deals with objective facts and not led by emotion.

20 What is the Fatigue Event Checklist?  Simple check list that identifies and supports the prevention of fatigue related incidents in day-to-day operations.  Supports frontline operational leadership in the identification and the management of fatigue events.  Method for collecting data to develop and improve a FRMS.  A vehicle to develop a safety culture focused on risk prevention.  Uses leading indicators (as opposed to lagging indicator) for employee health, safety and business performance.  Monthly detailed quantitative reports based on your data coupled with strategic, system and process actions for improvement.  FEC is a confidential service which encourages team members to self report without fear of recrimination (similar to an EAP service).

21 How does the FEC work?

22 Benefits of using the FEC  Enables supervision staff to easily identify and manage fatigue risk.  Simple mechanism compared to others.  Provides immediate prompts and support to team members when potential fatigue events are identified.  Expediently captures fatigue related data, providing greater accuracy in immediate reports: that analyse the true condition of fatigue responsible for most incidents/accidents and hazards/near misses.  Supports a ZERO harm culture, protecting our people each and every day.  Promotes the reduction in lost time injury, property damage and near misses.  Potential to improve productivity  Monitors absenteeism and presenteeisim patterns  Can be used in conjunction with Root Cause Analysis Tools (TapRoot, Apollo)


24 Option 6- 0700/1900 Shift Start Time

25 MAP Option 1B- 0700/1900 Shift Start Time Consistency of performance on day shift Highest risk is on 3 rd and 4 th night shifts Recovery from 4 days on takes 3 days to recover. This will improve quality of employees time off. Accident Risk Score: 9.6x more likely to have a fatigue related incident whilst working this roster Less disruption to an individuals circadian rhythm.

26 Roster Option Summary Option1Option 2 Option 3Option 4Option 5Option 6Option 7Option 8Option 9 Accident Risk Score Effective >90% 23.3419.7729.6357.8929.2456.9752.0647.6951.55 Effective >80% 69.3477.3479.8476.6781.3577.2977.1272.9271.87 Effective >70% 99.1298.4893.6592.5296.5195.2191.8586.2990.8

27 Sensitivity Analysis for Increased Accident Risk Related to Overtime Base CaseBase Case +2 hrs Base Case +4 hrs Extra 12 hr Shift Option 1B9.610.310.89.0 Option 2B5. Option 3B5. Option 46.56.810.86.2 Option Option

28 Overtime Criterion ScheduleOvertime SelectionRisk Between Day Shifts 4 Days Off Low Risk 3 Days Off 2 Days Off 1 Day Off Between Day and Night Shifts 1 Day Off Moderate Risk 2 Days Off 3 Days Off 4 Days Off After Night Shift 1 Night Off High Risk 2 Nights Off 3 Nights Off 4 Nights Off

29 QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS –THANKS Ian Dunican – MBA, MMinEng,GCSSc,BA. PhD student,Center for Sleep Science,UWA and Combat Centre,Australian Institute of Sport Director –Sleep4Performance Co Chair Occupational Health,Safety & Performance,Australasian Sleep Association Contact : Perth,Western Australia 6000 & 0409 680 867


31 Research Project 1 : Relationship between electronic device use, sleep and athletic performance Research design and information N=23 from the Australian Judo team Ethics,explanatory statement. Standard accommodation at AIS The AIS coaches will be removing electronic devices,TV and social media access. Literature review for study in progress. Part I 1-3 days Measurements on all No Restriction Part I 1-3 days Measurements on all No Restriction Part II Days 4-6 Intervention in 14 athletes out of 23 Restriction Part II Days 4-6 Intervention in 14 athletes out of 23 Restriction Part III Days 7-9 No Restriction Part III Days 7-9 No Restriction Data Collection methods Fs Readiband-actigraph Daily sleep diary Daily collection on sleepiness,injuries Pre study questionnaire FAST modeling for training schedules and travel to camp. DEXA scans Performance measures from AMS and coaches.

32 Research projects –In progress Polysomnography (PSG) screening to determine the prevalence of sleep disorders in elite rugby union players. Caffeine usage prior to and during a Super 15 game and the effect on subsequent sleep and recovery. Pilot study: The effect on performance from self reported sleep obtained and jet lag ; International and interstate travel on olympic boxers.


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