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Information about Pediatric nurse’s By: Macy Nelson.

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1 Information about Pediatric nurse’s By: Macy Nelson

2 What do pediatric nurses do *Give patients medicines or treatments. *Record patients medical history. *Operate and monitor medical equipment. *Help do tests and analyze the answers. *Explain what to do to patients after treatments.

3 * Either you get a bachelor’s of science degree BSN (which takes 4 years to complete) *Or get an associates degree in nursing ADN(which takes two to three years to complete) *Or you could go to a nursing school program (which takes also two to three years to complete) How to become a pediatric nurse

4 How do pediatric nurses use math *Record medical history and symptoms *Give patients medicines and treatments *Operate and monitor medical equipment *Help perform tests and analyze answers

5 Top colleges for nursing in N.C *UNC Chapel Hill (on the right) * DUKE university (on the left) Here is a picture of UNC Chapel Hill This is a picture of Duke University

6 What do pediatric nurses make? General medical and surgical hospitals; private$66,650 Offices of physicians62,880 General medical and surgical hospitals; local62,690 Home health care services60,690 Nursing care facilities58,180 *The starting salary would be 42,000 per year *th e sta rti ng sal ar y wo uld be 42,00 0 per ye ar

7 Pediatric nurses work environment This is the percent of how many nurses in these work environments. General medical and surgical hospitals; private48% Offices of physicians8% General medical and surgical hospitals; local6% Home health care services5% Nursing care facilities5%

8 References Click here to watch a video!

9 MY BIO Hi! My name is Macy and I am 10 yrs. old. I love to be around little kids that’s why I want to be a pediatric nurse Hope you liked my power point!!

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