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 Write a summary of what is happening in the picture. Describe what a semipermeable membrane is in your own words.

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Presentation on theme: " Write a summary of what is happening in the picture. Describe what a semipermeable membrane is in your own words."— Presentation transcript:

1  Write a summary of what is happening in the picture. Describe what a semipermeable membrane is in your own words.

2 1. Hypothesis: If an egg is soaked in vinegar, then ____________________________.

3 Create Cornell notes in notebook

4 Requires NO energy Solutes move DOWN the concentration gradient From an area of high concentration to low conc. 3 types: osmosis, diffusion, facilitated diffusion

5  WATER moving to create homeostasis  Water is polar, so it goes through the phospholipid bilayer

6  Solute- what is dissolved (like salt or sugar)  Solvent- liquid that solute dissolves in (like water)  Solution- solute + solvent


8  Hypotonic- low solute (water enters cell)  Hypertonic- high solute (water leaves cell)  Isotonic- equal solute (water goes in and out equally)


10  Movement of a particle DOWN the concentration gradient

11  Ex. Diffusion in blood to deliver oxygen to body cells

12  Movement of a particle DOWN the concentration gradient with the help of a protein in the plasma membrane  NO energy used



15  Facilitatated  Water  Concentration  Energy  Pizza  Salt  Vaccine

16  Passive  Diffusion  Solution  Polysaccharide  Batman  Isotonic  phospholipid

17  Draw and label a hypotonic cell in a hypertonic solution and draw an arrow to show where the water moves.  Draw and label a hypertonic cell in a hypotonic solution and draw an arrow to show where the water moves.

18 1. Results: The egg ____________ because _________. Draw a picture of before and after: 2. Hypothesis: If an egg is soaked in corn syrup, then _____________.

19  Answer in complete sentences!  1. What happens to your cells when you swim in the ocean for a long period of time and why?  2. Why is it necessary to frequently water plants and why?

20  2. Results: The egg _____________ because___________. Draw a before and after picture.  3. Hypothesis: If an egg is soaked in pure water, then __________.

21  icEADP0J4 icEADP0J4

22 Set up cornell notes

23 Uses ENERGY (ATP) to transport particles UP the concentration gradient From areas of low concentration to high concentration 3 types: Active transport, endocytosis, exocytosis

24  Uses a protein pump  Ex: sodium- potassium pump  (Na+ K+)  Uses ATP energy

25  The transport of bulky material out of the cell  EXO = exit

26  Cell takes in big particles by forming vesicles from its plasma membrane  Endo=INTO  Types  Phagocytosis (food)  Pinocytosis (water)


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