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Presentation on theme: "KAPLAN UNIVERSITY IT460 SYSTEM ANALYSIS & DESIGN Unit 3 Seminar Pamela Van Hook."— Presentation transcript:


2 Team Assignments  Team A (Illinois)  Stephen Sutherland, Dan Richert, & Brian Wolter  Team B (Florida & Georgia)  James Sammartino, Steven Leahy & Cheryl Baker-Pallant  Team C (OK)  Curtis Helsley, Michelle Marquardt, & Juan Garcia*  Team D (North Carolina / Tennessee)  Matthew Caldwell, Bob White, & Ashley Armstrong*  Team E (Connecticut / New Jersey)  Joshua Sutton, Dana Brinson, & Norman Gibson*  Team F (New York, DC)  Gary Shull, Patrick Devine, & David Perpignan  Team G (California / Washington)  Carrie Noto, Michele Thompson, & Eric Bevis*

3 Tonight’s Objectives  Due this week  Chapter 3  Chapter 4  Group Project Assignments  Getting start on the Midterm Assignment

4 Due by Tuesday, November 8 Unit 3

5 Due by Tuesday, November 8  For Unit 3:  Read Chapter 3  Read Chapter 4  Answer 2 discussion questions  Complete assignment

6 Unit 3: Discussion Questions  DQ1: Who wants to be a computer genius?  Textbook website – Chapter 3 – Play game.  As you begin to experience this game, keep the following questions in mind:  A major role of a Systems Analyst is to educate our partners; both technical and business. Is this game an effective tool to accomplish this goal?  What are the different types of learning categories?  What are effective tools we might use to successfully reach each of them?

7 Unit 3: Discussion Questions  DQ2: Planning Phase  What was the purpose of the Planning Phase?  What work did we accomplish in this phase?  What was this work used for or maybe a better question, what will it be used for?  What deliverables are we required to take forward into the next SDLC phase: the Analysis phase?

8 Unit 3: Assignment  Review all documents in Session 3 and 4.  Complete the following 4 deliverables.  Outline for Jesse what processes you will follow to ensure that the Interviewing process will be successful. For each step, provide a detailed paragraph that describes exactly how you will accomplish that step.  Please note that this step should be a minimum of three, typed, double space pages.  More detail in encouraged. (25 points)

9 Unit 3: Assignment  Deliverables 2, 3 & 4  Provide a list of team members that will be on your Interview List. Include their job function within the company. (5 points)  Provide a list of questions that you will use for each person. (5 points)  Share with Jesse how you plan to summarize and publish the results. (5 points)

10 Managing Systems Projects Chapter 3

11 Project Management Describe a “project” that you have managed in the past month.

12 Tasks involved in Project Management What tasks are involved in project management?

13 Project Management Tasks  Time, Scope, & Cost – Pick any Two!  Plan Tasks  Create & Manage Gantt and Pert Charts  Determine the Risks associated with the project  Monitor & Control the Project  Report Progress of Project  Manage Change Control Process

14 What can go wrong with a project? Name all the specific things that can go wrong with a project.

15 Requirements Modeling Moving from Planning to Systems Analysis Chapter 4

16 Gathering Requirements Name several ways to gather requirements for a project.

17 Gathering Requirements  Joint Application Development (JAD)  Rapid Application Development (RAD)  Agile Methods - Scrum

18 Modeling Tools & Techniques  Computer-Assisted Software Engineering (CASE)  Functional Decomposition Diagram (FDD)  Diagram of the functions or processes in system.  Data Flow Diagrams (DFD)  Shows how system stores, processed and transforms data (see Chapter 5)  Unified Modeling Language (UML) Object-oriented design concepts  Use Case Diagrams  Sequence Diagrams

19 Fact-Finding  Who? What? Where? When? How? Why?  Interviews  Who to interview  Objectives for interviews  Write interview questions  Prepare for interview  Conduct the interview  Document the interview  Evaluate the interview

20 Other Fact-Finding Techniques  Document Review  Observation  Questionnaires & Surveys  Sampling  Research

21 Midterm Project

22 Teams: Midterm Project  Midterm will be completed in teams.  Midterm Project is due Tuesday, November 22  Midterm Project (Unit 5)  Based on Willowbrook School scenario  Write mission statement  List 6 business processes and person responsible  Develop business case for proposed TIMS system  List system requirements for new TIMS system  Write analysis of diagrams  Create decision tree for determining discounts  Peer review of all group members

23 Teams: Progress Update  I will set up times to meet with each group during Week 4.  I will be reviewing your discussion posts in the team folders.  Direct any group questions to me via private email.  What questions do you or your group have at this time?

24 Wrapping Up  I will open the floor for questions from you.  Please raise your hand // so I don't miss anyone.  Remember to post early in the discussion boards.  Contact me at

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