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On Writing (1) 2012 年 10 月 10 日. What to Teach Organization/structure Content Different types of writing Writing methods.

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Presentation on theme: "On Writing (1) 2012 年 10 月 10 日. What to Teach Organization/structure Content Different types of writing Writing methods."— Presentation transcript:

1 On Writing (1) 2012 年 10 月 10 日

2 What to Teach Organization/structure Content Different types of writing Writing methods

3 What to Teach Organization/structure 1)Basic sentence types 2)the organization of a paragraph 3)the organization of an essaythe organization of an essay

4 What to Teach Content F – Form (letter, email, summary, report, etc.) A – Audience T – Topic P – Purpose (describe, explain, persuade, etc.)P – Purpose (describe, explain, persuade, etc.) FAT-P principle

5 Different types of writing To write a letter To describe a person, an object To explain or state an opinion To narrate a past event To tell a story To write an exposition (e.g. how to bake a cake, how to use a mircowave oven)

6 What to Teach Writing methods Definition Cause and effect Comparison and contrast Introduction and conclusion Exemplification Classification Paraphrasing and summarizing ……

7 What is wrong with the following paragraph? The mosquito is an amazing insect. The mosquito has 47 teeth. The mosquito is very small. It can carry twice its weight. The mosquito drinks blood. The mosquito lives in damp places. There are more than 2,000 kinds of mosquitoes. Scientists discover new kinds every year. Some mosquitoes carry disease. Humans look for ways to kill mosquitoes. Mosquitoes are very hard to kill.

8 Many sentences begin with the same word. All the sentences are too much the same. Each sentence has one subject and one predicate.

9 --- Introduce the concept of sentence types: Once a writer knows the difference between the three sentence types (simple, compound, and complex), it is possible to write with sentence variety. Sentence variety helps make your writing more interesting.

10 Simple Sentence A simple sentence contains a subject and verb. It expresses a single complete thought. A simple sentence is a single independent clause.

11 Sample Simple Sentences The cat crept through the dark house. The wary mouse watched from underneath an upturned cereal box. The predatory cat stopped and surveyed his surroundings. The mouse darted for the safety of the nearly invisible hole under the cabinet. The mouse and the cat both darted for their food. compound predicates compound subjects

12 Compound Sentences A compound sentence contains two independent clauses. Conjunctions (for, and, nor, but, or, and yet, so) join these independent clauses. (Hint: The conjunctions spell FANBOYS.) The conjunction used can impact the meaning of the sentence.

13 Sample Compound Sentences The cat was unsuccessful in his attempt to catch the mouse, and the mouse was equally as unlucky in his attempt to get the cheese. The dog had watched all of this, but he had refused to become involved. The mouse could wait until dark, or he could risk a daylight raid on the pantry. The cat usually slept during the day, yet curiosity held him at the corner of the kitchen. Junior link

14 Complex Sentences A complex sentence is an independent clause joined by one or more dependent clauses. A subordinating conjunction begins the dependent clauses. A dependent clause that begins a sentence must be followed by comma. A dependent clause has a subject and a verb, but it does not make sense on its own.

15 Sample Complex Sentences After he gave it some thought, the mouse decided to wait until later for his trek. The cat fell asleep on the warm kitchen because he was deprived of sleep the night before. When the mouse heard the soft snoring of his sleeping nemesis, he scurried to the pantry and grabbed enough food for a week. The dedicated, feline sleuth keeps his nightly vigil even though the foresighted mouse will not be venturing out this week.

16 Subordinating Conjunctions Afterhow Until Althoughif Unless Asin as much as if in order thatWhenas long as At least Wheneveras much as now that whereas soon whereveras though Since Whilebecauseso that Beforeeven if That even though though (junior link)

17 Sample Complex Sentences After he gave it some thought, the mouse decided to wait until later for his trek. The cat fell asleep on the warm kitchen because he was deprived of sleep the night before. When the mouse heard the soft snoring of his sleeping nemesis, he scurried to the pantry and grabbed enough food for a week. The dedicated, feline sleuth keeps his nightly vigil even though the foresighted mouse will not be venturing out this week.

18 Compound-Complex Sentences A compound-complex sentence is a sentence that has at least two independent clauses and at least one dependent clause. The same subordinating conjunctions are used to introduce the dependent clauses. The same coordinating conjunctions (FANBOYS) are used for joining the independent clauses.

19 Sample Compound-Complex Sentences. After the two adversaries had spent years playing this “ cat and mouse ” game, they were joined by their children, and the fun continued. Even though it seems the two were bent on the other ’ s destruction, the cat and mouse were rather fond of one another, and neither wanted the other ’ s defeat. This game was begun thousands of years ago, and it will continue far into the future as other cats and mice revel in hide-and-seek.

20 Combine the two sentences: 1.Many soldiers in the war got yellow fever. Many died from yellow fever. 2.Chris ran the 100-yard dash. Chris won a first-place medal. Many soldiers in the war got yellow fever and died. Chris ran the 100-yard dash and (he) won a first-place medal.

21 Combine the two sentences: 3. She didn ’ t know where the interesting boy lived. She had his phone number. 4. I am not allowed to ride on sidewalk. People walk on the sidewalk. She didn ’ t know where the interesting boy lived, but she had his phone number. I am not allowed to ride on sidewalk, because people walk on the sidewalk.

22 Combine the two sentences: 5. The storm was coming. Tyler took out the boat. 6. The clock struck one. The mouse ran down. Although the storm was coming, Tyler took out the boat. After the clock struck one, the mouse ran down.

23 Polish the paragraph Problem 1: solve the problem of too many “ mosquitoes ” A pronoun can replace the word. E.g. The students walked to the class together. The students took the students ’ seats. The students walked to the class together. They took their seats. It must be clear to the readers which word is the antecedent of the pronoun. Never use a pronoun unless you have named the antecedent first.

24 Using pronoun correctly Marie was happy. She was driving at last. Pronoun: antecedent: At last, Marie had turned 16. She could hardly wait to get her driver ’ s license. Marie ’ s mother had promised her the use of the family car. The car was a 1950 Chevrolet. It was red and white, and it was considered a classic. She loved that car. she Marie

25 Using pronoun correctly E.g. If a student can not attend, he/she should call the office. If a student can not attend, he or she should call the office. If students can not attend, they should call the office. The pronoun must agree with its antecedent in terms of gender and in number

26 Polish the paragraph Problem 2: all sentences are much the same Write different kinds of sentences E.g. The students walked to the class together and took their seats. After/As soon as the students walked to the class together, they took their seats.

27 Polish the paragraph The mosquito is an amazing insect and it has 47 teeth. It is very small, but it can carry twice its weight. It drinks blood and lives in damp places. There are more than 2,000 kinds of mosquitoes and scientists discover new kinds every year. Because some mosquitoes carry disease, humans look for ways to kill mosquitoes, but they are very hard to kill.

28 Connection with textbook Write a paragraph to introduce robots based on the dialogue. Robots are different from ordinary machine. Robots have got computers to control them. Robots can help people do many things. A home-help robot help him/her tidy up rooms, prepare food, wash dishes and clean windows. A robot for study has a very big computer memory. A robot for study help you with all school subjects. Robots are useful in factories. They can do difficult and dangerous jobs.

29 Polished version him/her Robots are different from ordinary machine because they have got computers to control them. Robots can help people do many things. For example, a home-help robot can help you ??him/her tidy up rooms, prepare food, wash dishes and clean windows. A robot for study has a very big computer memory, so it can help you with all school subjects. Robots are useful in factories, because they can do difficult and dangerous jobs there. Ending:____________________ to summarize what you ’ ve written How useful robots are!

30 Connection with textbook Let the students evaluate the effectiveness of their own writing (textbook writing tasks) based on: 1. Using pronouns correctly 2. Using different kinds of sentences ……

31 The End Thanks Thanks

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