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Virtual Counselor Finally! A program that maps careers to college courses!

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Presentation on theme: "Virtual Counselor Finally! A program that maps careers to college courses!"— Presentation transcript:

1 Virtual Counselor Finally! A program that maps careers to college courses!

2 Informed Decisions vs. What’s Available video

3 The Secret of Community Colleges 1. Community colleges offer programs that prepare students for entry level employment in high demand, high skill, and high wage careers. 2.Students can obtain Bachelors and Associates Degrees as well as Certifications and Certificates. 3.Community college tuition is a fraction of the cost of a 4-year college or university. Some, if not most, students can graduate with no student loans to pay back.

4 The Problem With Community Colleges? Not enough people know all they have to offer!

5 The Solution? Create a portal that satisfies a mandate for K- 12 educational institutions and also provides post-secondary educational institutions a platform to share their programs (i.e., a captive audience).

6 What is the K-12 School Mandate? 380.1278(b)(11) The board of a school district or board of directors of a public school academy shall provide the opportunity for each pupil to develop an educational development plan during grade 7, and shall ensure that each pupil reviews his or her educational development plan during grade 8 and revises it as appropriate before he or she begins high school. An educational development plan shall be developed, reviewed, and revised by the pupil under the supervision of the pupil's school counselor or another designee qualified to act in a counseling role under section 1233 or 1233a selected by the school principal and shall be based on high school readiness scores and a career pathways program or similar career exploration program. An educational development plan shall be designed to assist pupils to identify career development goals as they relate to academic requirements. During the process of developing and reviewing a pupil's educational development plan, the pupil shall be advised that many of the curricular requirements of this section and section 1278a may be fulfilled through career and technical education.,

7 AND 380.1278c(3) School districts, public school academies, and intermediate school districts are strongly encouraged to establish programs in which, upon completion of the program and graduation from high school, the completion of the program is credited toward achievement of a professional certificate, training, apprenticeship, or college credit in a specific career and technical field.

8 Virtual Counselor Bright Outlook Careers Post- Secondary Educational Institution Programs Employers

9 The Bright Outlook Career

10 Post Secondary Institution Programs Lansing Community College

11 The Courses

12 Articulated & Advanced Placement Take these classes in high school for FREE!

13 K-12 Student Results

14 THE EDP – Page 1

15 THE EDP – Page 2

16 THE EDP – Page 3

17 THE EDP – Page 4 Use these courses to complete your course plan on page 3.

18 THE EDP – Page 5

19 THE EDP – Page 6

20 But Wait! There’s more…. VC provides a page for post-secondary institutions to advertise new programs, events, successes, etc. Here is a sample for Lansing Community College.


22 VC Timeline? Phase I Completion Date – April, 2016 Phase I – Infrastructure Onet Database, College Programs, College User Interface, Educational Development Plan, End-User Access Colleges interested in sharing programs? Now is the time!

23 VC Timeline? Phase 2 Completion Date – January, 2017 Phase II 1.Infrastructure for Post Secondary Institution Transfers – MTA database incorporated. 2. Employer Portal

24 VC Timeline? Analytics Phase 3 Completion Date – June, 2017 Phase III Aggregate Data Module – Sampling 1.What is the age range of users interested in your programs? 2.Which programs are most popular with various age ranges?

25 Contact us at: (248) 270-5232

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