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Zadar County population (2011): 171.471 6 cities and 28 municipalities Local economy: Tourism traffic -especially maritime, agriculture, fishing, mariculture.

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2 Zadar County population (2011): 171.471 6 cities and 28 municipalities Local economy: Tourism traffic -especially maritime, agriculture, fishing, mariculture industry

3 And some other facts about the Zadar... Most romantic city... National geographic Most beautiful sunset.... Alfred Hitchcock Best practice.... Council of Europe

4 OUR MISSION development of programmes aimed at stimulating regional development, the creation of a positive investment climate, improving the well-being of the residents of Zadar County. To create a system for designing and coordinating a new development cycle within the Zadar County.

5 Zadar County Development Agency Implementation of projects Preparing the European projects Support for SMEs Strategic planning One stop service center for investors

6 The EU funded projects

7 Coordination of the the following processes: preparation strategic documents and monitoring their implementation Coordination of the the following processes: preparation strategic documents and monitoring their implementation Regional Operational Program (ROP) 2014.-2020. Human Resources Development Strategy for Zadar County 2014.-2020. Zadar County tourism development master plan 2013.- 2023. Operative program of the fisheries sector 2013. – 2015. Zadar County culture development strategy 2013.-2023. City of Zadar development strategy 2013.-2020. Zadar County rural development program 2012. -2014.

8  Total leght of coast 5.835 km (land 1.777 km i islands 4.058 km)  Area of Croatia - 64.5% land area (64.5%) and 35,5% is territorial sea.  Great tradition in fisheries and maritime sector CountryConsumption per capita Portugal61 Spain44 Italy24 Greece21 EU average20 Croatia8,5

9 Fisheries and mariculture sector – Zadar county 47% total fish catch 7 countys on the sea 58% the total catch of small pelagic fish Importance for rural areas – source of employment 60% mariculture Export exceeds import 40% Fish unload

10 Economic Analysis the Sector  4/10 SME with higest income (sea fishing)  4/5 SME - higest income (mariculture) of in ZC  Total revenues in ZC - quadruple increase (2001-2011)  Number of employees ZZ - triple increase (2001-2011)  29% of the total number of employees in the Republic of Croatia in legal entities in the sector, are employed in the ZC.  42% of total investments (2011) - ZC  4/10 SME with higest income (sea fishing)  4/5 SME - higest income (mariculture) of in ZC  Total revenues in ZC - quadruple increase (2001-2011)  Number of employees ZZ - triple increase (2001-2011)  29% of the total number of employees in the Republic of Croatia in legal entities in the sector, are employed in the ZC.  42% of total investments (2011) - ZC

11 SWOT INFRASTRUCTURAL CHALENGES Unsatisfactory logistic support for supply of the fishing vessels with fuel Lack of moorings Lack of infrastructure and suprastructure for proper fish unload Lack of land infrastructure for mariculture (no more space) MARKET Black market No brend Underdeveloped domestic market Nedovoljna tržišna valorizacija određenih vrsta – posljedično, nemogućnost plasmana HUMAN CAPACITIES Low level of education in the fisheries sector and processing industry l. Dying of traditional crafts in sector Low administrative capacities ENVIROMENTAL ISSUES

12 Current condition o 5 mil EUR o Gas pumps moorings, freezers, places of first sale, scales, warehouses… o Total infrastructural and suprastructural solution solution Management Legal status Feasibility Sustainability State aid Good practice

13 Thank You for Your attention ! We look forward to our future collaboration!

14 ZADAR COUNTY DEVELOPMENT AGENCY A: Grgura Budislavića 99, 23 000 Zadar, Croatia T: 00385 23 492 880 F: 00385 23 492 881 W: E:

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