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Curriculum Development and Research in the Centre for Science and Mathematics Education Kerst Th. Boersma.

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Presentation on theme: "Curriculum Development and Research in the Centre for Science and Mathematics Education Kerst Th. Boersma."— Presentation transcript:

1 Curriculum Development and Research in the Centre for Science and Mathematics Education Kerst Th. Boersma

2 CSME Centre for Science and Mathematics Education (CSME) Faculty of Biology Faculty of Chemistry Faculty of Mathematics & Informatics Faculty of Physics & Astronomy Interfacultary Institute for education (IVLOS) (Faculty of Social Sciences)

3 Masterprogram Science Education & Communication Teacher training Science communicationEnvironmental education Health education Science & technology communication Curriculum development & educational research

4 Masterprogram Science Education & Communication Learning & Communica -ting Didactics 1 Research meth. 1 Develop- mental project Didactics 2Research meth. 2 (Research) project 1 2

5 Involvement in Curriculum development PrimaryLower secondary Upper secondary Biology education O OX Physics educationXX Chemistry educationOO Mathematics educationXXX Environmental EducationOX Science for Public Understanding X

6 Coherent science and technology education (CSTE) Type 1Type 2Type 3Type 4 Meso level Combined subject Separate subjects Temporary project Micro level Integration of the entire curriculum Coordination between separate curricula Integration of a small part of the curriculum

7 Aims for CSTE 1.the advancement of uninterrupted learning by bridging the boundaries between the disciplinary contexts 2.the improvement of the transferability of disciplinary learning outcomes by transferring within and between disciplinary contexts, and between disciplinary contexts and daily life contexts 3.the understanding of the nature of the constituting disciplines 4.the understanding of the coherence between the constituting disciplines

8 Development of CSTE coherence of school subjects and between school subjects one or more types of CSTE (Type 1 to 4) in lower secondary education Type 3 of CSTE (separate subjects, coordinated curricula) in upper secondary education coordinated national curricula at the macro level

9 Research program ‘Didactics of science’ 1.Didactics of the teaching of keyconcepts, approaches, and skills 2.Innovation in content and didactics of science curricula 3.Didactics of teaching sciece for teachers and in science teacher education 4.Didactics of informal science education New: Coherent science education

10 Design of Developmental research theoretical & practical orientation LT-strategy 1 LT-strategy 2LT-strategy 3 case study 1case study 2 3 d research cycle domain-specific philosophy of learning & teaching explorative phase 1 st research cycle 2 nd research cycle case study 3

11 Problem Posing Cycle Q Development of a central steering question 1 Development of a partial question, and motives to explore and answer the partial question 2 Selection of information and/or performance of one or more investigations 3 Application of extended knowledge in a new situation 4 Reflection: answering the partial question, verifying to what extent the central question is answered, and developing a new partial question

12 Recent PhD studies Kortland, J. (2001). A problem posing approach to teaching decision-making about the waste issue. Knippels, M.C.P.J. (2002). Coping with the abstract and complex nature of genetics in biology education. The yo-yo learning and teaching strategy. Drijvers, P. (2003). Computer Algebra Systems Verhoeff, R.P. (2003). Towards systems thinking in cell biology education.

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