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Economic Social Institution. In 2012, futurist Thomas Frey predicted that by 2030, 2 billion jobs will disappear globally. “The more technology we rely.

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Presentation on theme: "Economic Social Institution. In 2012, futurist Thomas Frey predicted that by 2030, 2 billion jobs will disappear globally. “The more technology we rely."— Presentation transcript:

1 Economic Social Institution

2 In 2012, futurist Thomas Frey predicted that by 2030, 2 billion jobs will disappear globally. “The more technology we rely on, the more breaking points we’ll have in our lives. We are not well-equipped culturally and emotionally to have this much technology entering into our lives. There will be backlashes, ‘destroy the robots’ or ‘damn the driverless car’ campaigns with proposed legislation attempting to limit its influence. At the same time, most of the jobs getting displaced are the low-level, low-skilled labor positions. Our challenge will be to upgrade our workforce to match the labor demand of the coming era. Although it won’t be an easy road ahead it will be one filled with amazing technology and huge potentials as the industries shift” (Futurist Speaker).

3 Social Structure in a Gesellschaft Society Culture, Race, Ethnicity, Gender, Sexuality Social Class (SES = OIE), Religion, etc. Statuses and Roles Groups Institutions and Formal Organizations Society

4 Types of Jobs 1972 (Source: NPR)

5 Types of Jobs 2012 (Source: NPR)

6 Capitalism 1.) private ownership of companies 2.) profit driven 3.) market competition

7 Socialism 1.) public ownership (government) 2.) profit immoral 3.) competition immoral

8 Types of Capitalism Laissez-Faire Capitalism State or Welfare Capitalism Convergence Theory/Mixed Economic System Globalization of Capitalism Functionalist Theory Conflict Theory Corporate Capitalism Multinational Corporations Oligarchies

9 Where Do You Stand? 1.Should porno actors be required by law to wear condoms? Pro Consideration for sexually transmitted diseases Con Loss of jobs in San Fernando Valley

10 Where Do You Stand? 2. Should it be illegal for fast food restaurants to include toys in children’s “happy meals?” Pro Consideration for childhood obesity by linking toys with processed foods Con Targeting certain industries while ignoring others such as cereal boxes with toys

11 Where Do You Stand? 3. Should the government control gas prices by subsidizing oil companies? Pro Consideration for economic dependence on oil Con Favoritism to oil corporations

12 Where Do You Stand? 4. Should the government require that everyone purchase health insurance from private insurance companies that exist to make a profit? Pro Uninsured contribute to increased medical costs Con Mandate creates unfair competition advantages and no need to compete for customers

13 Where Do You Stand? 5. Should the government restrict the size of soft drinks in restaurants, theatres, and other public venues to 16 ounces? Pro Consideration for obesity Con Unfairly targets a specific industry, limits freedom to make individual choices

14 Where Do You Stand? 6. Should government require Wal-Mart to pay $12.50 per hour minimum wage while other companies are not subjected to such a law? Pro Consideration for living wage Con Unfairly targets Wal-Mart (600 jobs/11k applicants)

15 Corporate Capitalism Multinational Corporations Oligopolies

16 Jobs: Consumption over Production Conspicuous Consumption Planned Obsolescence McDonaldization of Society

17 What Meaning Do You Assign to This Toilet Tissue?

18 Cuba Sense of self revolves around creativity Thrift orientated culture Resource poor country

19 U.S.A. Sense of self revolves around consumption Consumer Orientated Culture Resource rich country Ability to Access Resources from Foreign Countries

20 Consumption Meaning of life is in things we possess Does not to satisfy real needs Buying things will allow one to become something they could not otherwise be Satisfies artificially created desires


22 Health of the Economy What Does a Trillion Dollars Look Like? Gross Domestic Product (GDP) factbook/rankorder/2001rank.html?countryname=United%20States&countrycode=us&regionCode=noa&ra nk=2#us Federal Debt and the Federal Budget Who Owns the Debt? s-debt/ Is there a Problem? Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS)

23 3.9 Trillion Outlay and 563 Billion Deficit (Source: Federal Spending)






29 Poverty U.S. Census – 2013 Married-couple families 5.8% Male householder15.9% Female householder30.6% Males 13.1% Females15.8%


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