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Aston Campbell Associates Using Insight to Shape Improvement & Efficiency Jacqui McNish Aston Campbell Associates.

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Presentation on theme: "Aston Campbell Associates Using Insight to Shape Improvement & Efficiency Jacqui McNish Aston Campbell Associates."— Presentation transcript:

1 Aston Campbell Associates Using Insight to Shape Improvement & Efficiency Jacqui McNish Aston Campbell Associates

2 AgendaAgendaAgendaAgenda Efficiency Improvement Insight Case Study Partnerships

3 Aston Campbell Associates Priorities Nottinghamshire County Council Composite Insight / Glue Aston Campbell Associates Standards esd-toolkit Attitudes The Man in the Street Efficiency Improvement Insight Case Study Partnerships

4 Case Study Objective – to increase library usage Method – Customer Insight National Indicator - NI-9 Library – Mansfield in Nottinghamshire Catchment Households – 22,325 Catchment Population – 49,452 Aston Campbell Associates Efficiency Improvement Insight Case Study Partnerships

5 Data – Analysis - Standards Aston Campbell Associates Data Sources Analysis & Interpretation esd-toolkit Support Insight Efficiency Improvement Insight Case Study Partnerships

6 Mansfield Library Catchment Area 25.12% of households are dependent on the state for existence. 48.15% are getting by, but may need occasional state assistance. 26.63% of households are economically robust. In contrast 12.73% of households in Notts. CC and Notts. City are dependent on the state.. Aston Campbell Associates Efficiency Improvement Insight Case Study Partnerships

7 Insight: Data Layers Aston Campbell Associates

8 Insight – Library Usage Patterns Aston Campbell Associates User Type Number of visits per annum No of users belonging to group % of users belonging to group Total number of loans % of loans Occasional users1-31,99727.91%3,8352.39% Standard users4-112,18130.49%14,586 9.08% Regular users12-391,81025.30%40,16724.99% Heavy users40-9986312.06%52,92532.93% Super plus users100+3034.24%49,20730.62%

9 Insight: Interpreting Customer Behaviour Aston Campbell Associates 4.24% of super plus users are responsible for 30.62% of annual loans. 27.9% of occasional users are responsible for 2.39% of annual loans. 63.5% of library loans were made by 16.3% of Heavy and Super users

10 Insight: Baselining Customer Behaviour Households with community ties 36% of Mansfield ‘s Households Blue Collar households 7% of households Senior Citizen Households 10% of Mansfield’s households Aston Campbell Associates These ‘user types’ are proportionally making more use of the service than their counterparts in the County and City. These ‘user types’ are proportion ally making less use of the service than their counterpa rts in the County and City.

11 Insight: Attitudes Violet and Roy are real people. They admit that they have never been book readers opting instead to obtain their information from tabloid newspapers, talk shows and the 6 O’clock news. Aston Campbell Associates

12 Insight: Associating behaviour with geography Aston Campbell Associates

13 From Staff Perception to New Insights Aston Campbell Associates Place Catchment Geography Catchment Profiles People User Frequencies The Man in the Street Comparators Near Neighbours Benchmarks Efficiency Improvement Insight Case Study Partnerships Place Insights + People Insights + Comparators = Baseline evidence for Audits

14 Insight Headlines 6 th most active library in Nottinghamshire CC and Nottingham City 33.5% of the library’s users originate from outside of the library’s catchment boundaries. 33.5% of users outside of the library’s catchment boundaries were responsible for borrowing 5.6% of the items. Heavy and Super + users are more likely to be retired residents. The library has more floor space available to it than any other library in the County. Although there is more floor space, it is not used as efficiently as it might be. 56 loans per annum were made for each available square metre. Warsop library a political neighbour made 301 loans per sq metre during the same period. Library users in near neighbours Western Boulevard, Newark and Retford averaged more loans per annum per user. 59% of users visit the library less than 12 times a year. The 59% of users who visit the library less than 12 times a year are responsible for making 11.4% of the loans 14% of residents from Mansfield library catchment used the library service between Oct 07 and Sept 08, whilst near neighbour Newark achieved 17.17% and Western Boulevard a City library achieved 7.38%. Aston Campbell Associates

15 Improvement Areas Aston Campbell Associates TargetIntervention Example To increase numbers of occasional and standard users Repackage library facilities to meet the needs of target user groups and Mosaic types by mapping library facilities to customer interest. Market the packages via the most effective communication mechanisms for the target audience; use available media, residents newsletters, strap lines on communications, posters, leaflets, presentations to community groups, joint projects between schools, young people and parents. Encourage joint projects between the library and community projects within its catchment community. Seek endorsements from well known local champions. Explore the use of new media and multi-media marketing formats. To increase the number of occasional and standard users who become regular users Analyse stock types to see what Mosaic types and user types are borrowing, put together packages based on customer interest, e.g. trains local history and homework clubs. Survey the catchment community to find out if common interests emerge. Explore using social networking sites to develop and support communities of interest to communicate with each other, book library facilities and request materials that they would like to borrow. To increase the number of heavy and super users Many of these will evolve naturally from interventions aimed at increasing the number of regular users. Target the Mosaic groups (I & J) that mainly consist of older people. Consider partnerships with groups like age concern. Survey users to find out what they are reading and what they would like to read. Encourage book clubs for older people. Support initiatives that encourage older non-users particularly from group I, - Twilight subsistence who may be being introduced to the library for the first time or being re-introduced to the library after a long time.

16 Communication Channels Aston Campbell Associates TypeType NameFace to FaceInternetPhone Mansfield Users Mansfield User % No of Catchment households D21Respectable rowsAve.HighA. Ave.1381.93%362 D22Affluent blue collarAve.B. Ave.Ave.83411.66%2,229 D23Industrial gritAve. 3625.06%1,172 D24Coronation StreetA. Ave.B. Ave.Ave.1,15316.12%4,112 D25Town centre refugeA. Ave.Ave. 570.80%157 H44Rustbelt resilienceAve.Low 2002.80%543 H45Older right to buyAve.Low 1862.60%608 H46White van cultureAve.B. Ave.Ave.710.99%203 H47New town materialismAve.B. Ave. 370.52%186 I48Old people in flatsAve.Low 871.22%512 I49Low income elderlyAve.LowB. Ave.180.25%81 I50Cared for pensionersAve.Low 941.31%454 J52Childfree serenityA. Ave. 60.08%20 J53High spending eldersAve.B. Ave.Ave.2102.94%564 J54Bungalow retirementAve.LowB. Ave.751.05%192 J55Small town seniorsAve.B. Ave.Ave.951.33%356 Totals 3,623100.00%11.751

17 Marketing Media Aston Campbell Associates TypeType NamePosters Radio adverts Telemarketing calls TV adverts New Media Mansfiel d Users Mansfiel d User % Catchment households D21Respectable rowsA. Ave. High1381.93%362 D22Affluent blue collarB. Ave.LowB. Ave.LowB.Ave83411.66%2,229 D23Industrial gritB. Ave.Ave. Ave3625.06%1,172 D24Coronation StreetA. Ave.Ave. B.Ave1,15316.12%4,112 D25Town centre refugeAve. Ave570.80%157 H44Rustbelt resilienceB. Ave. Ave. Low2002.80%543 H45Older right to buyB. Ave. Ave.B. Ave.Low1862.60%608 H46White van cultureA. Ave. Ave710.99%203 H47New town materialismHigh B.Ave370.52%186 I48Old people in flatsLow Ave. Low871.22%512 I49Low income elderlyAve. A. Ave.Low180.25%81 I50Cared for pensionersLow B. Ave.Low941.31%454 J52Childfree serenityA. Ave.Ave.A. Ave. A.Ave60.08%20 J53High spending eldersLow Ave.LowB.Ave2102.94%564 J54Bungalow retirementLow B. Ave.B.Ave751.05%192 J55Small town seniorsB. Ave. B.Ave951.33%356 Total 3,623100.00%11,751

18 Efficiency Aston Campbell Associates Efficiency Improvement Insight Case Study Partnerships

19 Aston Campbell Associates Cost to Serve / Avoidable Contact Profile group IDProfile type No of Transactions % of Transactions Cost to transact £10.56/ transaction Propensity to channel shift A1Global connections1390%£1,467.84High A2Cultural leadership4401%£4,646.40High A5Provincial privilege1900%£2,006.40Above Average A7Semi-rural seclusion10%£10.56High ASymbols of Success7701%£8,131.20High D21Respectable rows2,8453%£30,043.20High D27Settled minorities23,69227%£250,187.52Above Average DTies of Community26,53730%£280,230.72Above Average G41Families on benefits1460%£1,541.76Low G42Low horizons500%£528.00Low G43Ex-industrial legacy2210%£2,333.76Low GMunicipal Dependency4170%£4,403.52Low

20 Next Steps Vital Impact Project – 18 Month Programme of Marketing Campaigns and Action looking at the Largest Libraries in Nottinghamshire. Aston Campbell Associates Baseline ActionOutcome Measure & Audit

21 Aston Campbell Associates 07983 477 944 Jacqui McNish

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