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Universal Healthcare Debate Consider what the other side might say and what your response would be. Think about each of the following points of view: –

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Presentation on theme: "Universal Healthcare Debate Consider what the other side might say and what your response would be. Think about each of the following points of view: –"— Presentation transcript:

1 Universal Healthcare Debate Consider what the other side might say and what your response would be. Think about each of the following points of view: – A doctor with a busy practice – An administrator of a government-run hospital – A research scientist who depends on gov’t funding – A wounded veteran – A senior citizen on a fixed income – Working Americans who pay for or cannot afford health insurance – A person who exercises and eats right vs. one who doesn’t


3 Healthcare Debate Format CON will present their argument. PRO will present their argument. – PRO will question CON’s points. – CON will question PRO’s points. Pro’s individuals will testify. – CON will be able to ask questions to each person.

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