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Abstract: Patient, eight year old, female, admitted in the company of her uncle without any medical report. She was born by natural delivery. She had no.

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Presentation on theme: "Abstract: Patient, eight year old, female, admitted in the company of her uncle without any medical report. She was born by natural delivery. She had no."— Presentation transcript:

1 Abstract: Patient, eight year old, female, admitted in the company of her uncle without any medical report. She was born by natural delivery. She had no remarkable prenatal history that they could refer. After she suffering a head trauma, no history of loss of consciences or any other relevant details were not referred. She always had retardation in speech and in psychomotor development. She has had isolate seizures, last one in October 2011. She came for admission to be studied and evaluate the possibilities for rehabilitation or other treatments. Neurological findings: Spastic quadriplegia, increased muscle tone in all four extremities predominantly in the right upper one, with osteotendinous hyperrreflexia at the patellar level. She presents syllabic language and can understand, watch and hear with no difficulty. She presents no clonus or Babinski s reflexes or damage to the cranial nerves She presents syllabic language and can understand, watch and hear with no difficulty. She presents no clonus or Babinski s reflexes or damage to the cranial nerves.She can't walk. She can sit from supine position with Duchesne like stereotypies. She suffers incontinence in vesical and anal sphincters. Eyes fundus examination was normal. Cranial MRI: Hyperintense lesions that appear demyelinated. Another possibility is that it may correspond to a grey matter heterotopy. Dysgenesis of the Corpus Callosum. Key words: Neuroblastic migration disorder. Corpus callosum dysgenesis. Conclusions: Our study outline the neurological and MRI results with probable dysembriogenic static lesion due to possible defect in the neuroblastic migration. Patient had applies for rehabilitation treatment and corrective orthopaedics surgery to improve her posture and even walk with prosthetic devices. Figure 1: Cranial MRI.Figure 2: Cranial MRI.Figure 3: Cranial MRI. Source: Clinical File Central Clinic Cira Garcia ABSTRACT 2690. Tittle: PRENATAL DYSEMBRIOGENICS STATIC LESION DUE TO POSSIBLE DISORDER IN THE NEUROBLASTIC MIGRATION. Authors: PUGA GOMEZ,R*, VARGAS. J, SEIJO, J.L, QUEVEDO,L Affiliation: CENTRAL CLINIC: CIRA GARCIA, HAVANA, CUBA. Objective: To report the clinical and imagenological findings of the child with the diagnosis of possible disorder in the neuroblastic migration. Methods: An observational study from the file of admission to our clinic was done between September 17 th – 27 th,2012. The diagnosis was reached by means of Cranial MRI. Other investigations as EEG and haematological studies were done. For this study others differential diagnosis were thought. Results: Neurological findings: Spastic quadriplegia, increased muscle tone in all four extremities, predominantly in the right upper one, with osteotendinous hyperrreflexia at the patellar level. She presents syllabic language and can understand, watch and hear with no difficulty. She presents no clonus or Babinski s reflexes or damage to the cranial nerves.She can't walk. She can sit from supine position with Duchesne like stereotypies. She suffers incontinence in vesical and anal sphincters. Eyes fundus examination was normal. Cranial MRI: Cerebellum, Stalk, Vermis and IV Ventricle were normal. There are hyper intense located in oval centrum of both cerebral hemispheres near the vertex in supratentorial region. Ventricular System is normal. Dysgenesis of the Corpus Callosum in the junction of splenium with the stem. Finally hyperintense lession that appears demyelinitative or that it may correspond to a great matter heterotopy. EEG: Alpha rhythm without a defined organization; intercritical paroxysm with slow wave tips, focus in superior frontal, central and parietal regions of the right hemisphere as independent isolated elements that are often registered. Sign of cortical irritation with mild intensity in the anterior region of the right hemisphere. Pathological EEG. Blood: Complete blood count, corpuscular constants, reticulocytes, thrombocytes, liver and renal enzymes, phosphorus, calcium, blood sugar, sedimentation rate, iron. All results were within normal values. PRENATAL DYSEMBRIOGENICS STATIC LESION DUE TO POSSIBLE DISORDER IN THE NEUROBLASTIC MIGRATION. CENTRAL CLINIC CIRA GARCIA, HAVANA,CUBA

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