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JOSE S. SANTIAGO M.D.. Joints Union between two bones Joint structures Articular cartilage Joint cavity Synovial membrane Synovial fluid Joint capsule.

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2 Joints Union between two bones Joint structures Articular cartilage Joint cavity Synovial membrane Synovial fluid Joint capsule Joints are named after the bones that form the union 2

3 Classification of Joints according to mobility 1.Synarthroses- immovable joints Example: Sutures of the skull

4 Classification of Joints according to mobility 2. Amphiarthroses- slightly movable joints Example: Intervertebral joints

5 Classification of Joints according to mobility 3. Diarthroses- freely movable joints; also known as synovial joints

6 Term Analysis and Definition Myeloma- benign tumor of the bone marrow

7 Term Analysis and Definition Osteomyelitis- inflammation of bone and bone marrow

8 Term Analysis and Definition Osteitis- inflammation of the bone

9 Term Analysis and Definition Osteochondritis- inflammation of bone and cartilage

10 Term Analysis and Definition Osteoma- benign tumor of bone

11 Term Analysis and Definition Osteotome- instrument used to cut bone

12 Term Analysis and Definition Osteotomy- process of cutting bone

13 Term Analysis and Definition Craniofacial- pertaining to the skull and face

14 Term Analysis and Definition Cranioplasty- surgical repair of the skull

15 Term Analysis and Definition Craniotomy- incision into the skull

16 Term Analysis and Definition Achondroplasia- inadequate cartilage formation leading to dwarfism

17 Term Analysis and Definition Chondroma- benign tumor of cartilage

18 Term Analysis and Definition Costochondral- pertaining to ribs and cartilage

19 Term Analysis and Definition Costosternal- pertaining to the ribs and sternum

20 Term Analysis and Definition Subcostal- pertaining to under the ribs

21 Term Analysis and Definition Sternotomy- process of cutting the sternum,

22 Term Analysis and Definition Lumbodynia- pain in the lower back: lumbago

23 Term Analysis and Definition Lumbosacral joint- joint between L5 and the sacrum

24 Term Analysis and Definition Sacroiliac joint- joint between sacrum and ilium Strongest joint

25 Term Analysis and Definition Sacrococcygeal joint- joint between sacrum and coccyx

26 Term Analysis and Definition Spondylitis- inflammation of the vertebrae Spondylopathy- any disease of the vertebrae

27 Term Analysis and Definition Thoracolumbar- pertaining to the chest and lower back Intervertebral- pertaining to between the vertebrae

28 Term Analysis and Definition Costovertebral joint- joint between a rib and a vertebra

29 Term Analysis and Definition Sternoclavicular joint- joint between sternum and clavicle

30 Term Analysis and Definition Infraclavicular- below the clavicle

31 Term Analysis and Definition Subscapular- below the scapula

32 Term Analysis and Definition Brachial- pertaining to the arm Brachiocephalic- pertaining to the arm and head

33 Term Analysis and Definition Carpectomy- excision of a carpal (wrist) bone

34 Term Analysis and Definition Olecranal- pertaining to the olecranon Interphalangeal joint- joint between the phalanges PIP DIP

35 Term Analysis and Definition Radiocarpal joint- joint between radius and wrist

36 Term Analysis and Definition Acetabular- pertaining to the hip socket (acetabulum)

37 Term Analysis and Definition Acetabuloplasty- surgical repair of the hip socket

38 Term Analysis and Definition Patellar dislocation- total loss of contact between patella and femur

39 Term Analysis and Definition Patellar subluxation- partial dislocation between patella and femur

40 Term Analysis and Definition Patellapexy- surgical fixation of the kneecap

41 Term Analysis and Definition Infrapatellar- below the kneecap Suprapatellar- above the kneecap

42 Term Analysis and Definition Arthralgia- joint pain Arthritis- inflammation of a joint Arthropathy- any disease of a joint

43 Term Analysis and Definition Arthroplasty- surgical repair of a joint

44 Term Analysis and Definition Total Hip Replacement- head of the femur is replaced with a prosthetic device

45 Term Analysis and Definition Arthroscopy- visual examination of a joint using an arthroscope Interarticular- between the joints

46 Term Analysis and Definition Bursa- sac filled with synovial fluid located around joints

47 Term Analysis and Definition Bursitis- inflammation of the bursa

48 Term Analysis and Definition Bursectomy- excision of the bursa

49 Term Analysis and Definition Arthrocentesis- surgical puncture of a joint to remove fluid

50 Roots and Suffixes Oste/o bone -malacia softening Osteomalacia softening of bone

51 Term Analysis and Definition Chondromalacia- softening of cartilage

52 Roots and Suffixes Scoli/o- curved Scoliosis-abnormal lateral curvature of the spine

53 Roots and Suffixes Lord/0-swayback Lordosis-exaggerated anterior curvature of the lumbar spine

54 Roots and Suffixes Kyph/o-humpback Kyphosis-exaggerated curvature of the thoracic spine

55 Roots and Suffixes -porosis –porous Osteoporosis- loss of bone density

56 Term Analysis and Definition Chondrosarcoma- malignant tumor of cartilage

57 Term Analysis and Definition Osteosarcoma- malignant tumor of bone; osteogenic sarcoma

58 Term Analysis and Definition Orthopedics- surgical specialty dealing with the correction of deformities and dysfunctions of the skeletal system

59 End of lecture Thank you for listening!

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