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GEOG 578 GIS Application Lab 1 Intro. to MapInfo.

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Presentation on theme: "GEOG 578 GIS Application Lab 1 Intro. to MapInfo."— Presentation transcript:

1 GEOG 578 GIS Application Lab 1 Intro. to MapInfo

2 Lab Objectives Help understand materials covered in lectures Implement case studies Develop successful teamwork skills

3 Lab Resource \\humboldt\classes\g578\ Lab materials are in electronic format

4 Lab Exercises Lab #1 Introduction to MapInfo Lab #2 Neighborhood Complaint Lab #3 Flooding Scenarios for an Insurance Company Lab #4 Medical Clinics Site Selection

5 Lab #1 Objectives –Get familiar with MapInfo –Understand the basics manipulating spatial data in MapInfo

6 Lab #1 Specifically –produce a map showing the 1991 population of Canada by province –a bar graph comparing the population changes between the provinces –a list of provinces whose population changes are greater than 10% of the population in 1981.

7 MapInfo Desktop spatial data analysis and visualization package Locations and attributes stored in a database Three methods to visualize the data in the database –Mapper –Browser –Grapher

8 Mapper Used to visualize the geographic patterns –Can be specified when opening MapInfo file –Or from Window  New Map Window

9 Mapper Control Map  Layer Control Used to control the layout of: –Cosmetic Layer –Data Layer

10 Browser Browser: presents information as tabular lists –Can be specified when opening MapInfo file –Or from Window  New Browser Window

11 Grapher Grapher: presents information arranged as graphs or charts –Window  New Graph Window

12 Thematic Map Map  Create Thematic Map

13 Thematic Map Be sure to select the correct table and field!!

14 SQL Query  SQL Select Select Province, Pop_1981, Pop_1991, Capital, (Pop_1991 - Pop_1981) / Pop_1981 "Change" from CANADA into P_change

15 Final Layout Window  New Layout Window


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