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The History of the Area of the Planet known as The People’s Republic of China By: Real Asians(a.k.a.) Eunice and Amar.

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Presentation on theme: "The History of the Area of the Planet known as The People’s Republic of China By: Real Asians(a.k.a.) Eunice and Amar."— Presentation transcript:

1 The History of the Area of the Planet known as The People’s Republic of China By: Real Asians(a.k.a.) Eunice and Amar

2 Philosophies of China (None of which I am p not a part of) Buddhism- Originally from India (Yee). Follows the Noble Eightfold path, enlightenment can be achieved only by abandoning desires for all earthly things. Confucianism- Code of ethics, five basic relationships, very philosophical, love for humanity, harmony, ancestor worship Daoism- Based on the teachings of Lao Tzu, stick to the status quo, and go with the flow of the natural order of things Legalism- When the government controls all aspects of society by using brutality and force.

3 Huang He River Valley: Shang Dynasty Shang Dynasty – 1 st recorded Dynasty – Ruled by an aristocracy – Developed writing(calligraphy), bronze working(for weapons), and silk – Honored ancestors – Tyrant emperor overthrown

4 Classical Chinese Dynasties Zhou: 1029-258 B.C.E. (longest) Warring states: 402-201 B.C.E. Qin: 221-202 B.C.E. Han: 202 B.C.E.-220 C.E.

5 Zhou Dynasty:1029-258 B.C.E. Mandate of Heaven: belief that gods transfer their power to a specific family that is meant to establish a dynasty Social- rise of strong (patriarchal) landowning class Political- Feudalism, landowners are better than rulers and regional princes which were pretty weak like Napoleon Dynamite Interaction- expanded the Middle Kingdom and very isolated Culture- banned human sacrifice (take that Mesoamerica), formalized religious practices and wanted one language Economic- heavily dependent of agriculture by having wheat in the north and rice in the south

6 Warring States: 402-201 B.C.E. Social- competing interests of landowning class and rulers Political- no political unity, legalism, bureaucracy Interaction- landowners raise won military, muy isolated Culture- new philosophies(Doaism, Confucianism, Legalism) Economic- slow economy, no trade, dependent on agriculture

7 Qin Dynasty: 221-202 B.C.E. Founded by Qin Shi Huangdi (total psychopath) Social- after Zhou Dynasty, nobles leave land and live in emperor’s court. Primogeniture- eldest son inherits property Political- LEGALISM IS LIFE, national census, single law code Interaction- Army expanded territory, expanded infrastructure, influenced parts of Vietnam Culture- Confucianism out, LEGALISM in, banned and burned Confucian books Economic- Standard weights and measures, no slavery but forced labor, high taxes, silk important =

8 Han Dynasty: 202 B.C.E. – 220 C.E. Social- Civil service exam, emphasis on family relationships, Confucianism, patriarchal, and structured social class Political- centralized administration, less brutality, improved bureaucracy, emphasis on Confucianism, Emperor Wu Ti brought peace to most of Asia Interaction- expanded into Korea, Vietnam, and Central Asia, expanded trade with Indian, Persian, and Roman empires Cultural- Confucianism, a lot of innovations, Great Wall construction Economic- Lower taxes at beginning of dynasty, copper coin, gov. projects

9 Sui Dynasty 581 – 618 C.E. Founded by Wendi through alliances with nomadic tribes and marrying his daughter to a Northern Zhou prince. He was eventually murdered by his son Sui Yangdi. Social – Scholar gentry class and Confucianism comes back in with Yangdi Political – China reunified under one ruling family Interaction – Yangdi tried to expand into Korea, but he failed Culture – Confucianism was in and out during this dynasty Economic – Wendi lowered taxes and set up granaries. Yangdi used forced peasant labor to build the Grand Canal and make palaces

10 Tang Dynasty 618 – 907 C.E. Social- Jinshi (people who pass the most difficult level of the civil service exam) get to wear nice clothes, exempt from corporal punishment. Political- Civil service exam is back, Li Yuan made nomadic tribes submit to his army, the tribal leaders’ sons held captive in the capital. Interaction- increased territory Culture- Confucianism is back, Empress Wu brings back Buddhism (Emperor Wuzong destroys all the Buddhist temples), Economic- Large land estates given to peasants, trade increased, made Silla ( 신라 ) kingdom a tribute state

11 Song Dynasty 960 – 1279 C.E. Reunited under military commander Zhao Kuangyin Social- Reinforced class/gender distinctions (because of Confucianism), women’s status declined, foot binding Political- Unified law code, civilian bureaucrats > military leaders, empire divided into provinces with royal governors, Interaction- Hated foreign ideas, had to pay tribute to Liao nomad empire (or else they’d attack the Song), came in contact with the Mongols Culture- Neo-Confucianism, Confucian art, junk ships, wheelbarrow, gunpowder Economic- irrigation canals, large land estates broken up, trade with Middle East, sea trade with India and Southeast Asia

12 Yuan Dynasty 1271 – 1368 C.E. Founded by Kubilai Khan Social- Merchants are now elites (because trade is important) Political- Cultural diversity in government operations (Persian, Arab, and Uighur tax collectors, got rid of civil service exam so scholars couldn’t control politics Interaction- The Mongols brought people from various cultures to help run the government Culture- Chinese silk, landscape paintings Economic- land and water trade routes, SILK ROAD

13 Spread of Chinese Influence China influenced Japan, Korea, and Vietnam during the classical and post-classical periods. China spread their culture, government, writing, Confucianism, Buddhism, societal organization, and thought patterns.

14 Wait for it,

15 Finals Memes Teachers be like

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