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Modeling A Wastewater Plant The Purpose Where does the water you use go? –The waste water from your shower, toilets, sinks, etc. and the water from businesses.

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Presentation on theme: "Modeling A Wastewater Plant The Purpose Where does the water you use go? –The waste water from your shower, toilets, sinks, etc. and the water from businesses."— Presentation transcript:


2 Modeling A Wastewater Plant

3 The Purpose Where does the water you use go? –The waste water from your shower, toilets, sinks, etc. and the water from businesses like restaurants must be cleaned and treated before you can put it back into a river and lake and reuse the water. This treatment is performed at a wastewater or sewage plant.

4 Beginning Process The incoming water is first measured and and is directed to the Metal Inlet Screen This screen removes large solids while the water proceeds to the Grit Channels Here the water is run through channels allowing the grit to settle to the bottom

5 Primary Treatment The water is sent to large chambers, called clarifiers, where the organic material settles to the bottom of the plant The water is now directed into aeration basins where bacteria eat the many tiny particles present After a second round in the clarifiers, the water is chemically treated with chlorine then released back into river or lake.

6 Treating SLUDGE A by-product of the clarification process is a clump of organic material called Sludge. This sludge is fermented, thickened, and then partially digested by bacteria. After this treatment, the sludge can be used as fertilizer or burned.

7 Creating A Model What are the three main portions? Inflow of Water Treatment of Water Treatment of Sludge

8 Creating Water Inflow Model Variables: –Housing: Apartments, Neighborhoods, etc. –Businesses: Restaurants, Stores, etc. –Rainfall: Daily Rain or Storms

9 Basic Flow Pattern Decide the names of each stock

10 Decide Which Variables To Add Examples for the Business Stock: –What Businesses are there? Examples for the Housing Stock: –How many people live in the area? Other Variables Needed?

11 Online Research Go Online to find the information you need for you model to be accurate –How many gallons per day do people use? –How much water do restaurants use? –What is the rainfall for your area?

12 Finish Your Water Inflow Model Run your Model and see if the results obtained are reasonable

13 Creating A User Interface For an easier way to view data and run your model, an Interface is necessary At the top level you can add sliders and buttons to simplify your model for others Graphs can also be pinned on to this area

14 Objects in the Interface We will be adding several objects to our interface First, pin down your graph Second, add a run button Finally, create sliders for your variables

15 The Full Wastewater Model Now that you have created a small portion of the wastewater model, we are going to look at a Full model of a Wastewater Plant

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