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Planting Science Power Point By: Faith, Jessica, Makea, and Haley In the group of: Bob the plastic man.

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Presentation on theme: "Planting Science Power Point By: Faith, Jessica, Makea, and Haley In the group of: Bob the plastic man."— Presentation transcript:

1 Planting Science Power Point By: Faith, Jessica, Makea, and Haley In the group of: Bob the plastic man

2 Question: Does different colored lighting effect the height of mung bean plants?

3 Hypothesis The color of lighting will affect the height of mung bean plants. Because the regular-colored light, our control, is the most natural, the mung beans that are under it will grow the tallest. Plants do best under their familiar, specialized ecosystems. The shortest stock will be the plant under the blue light. I don't believe blue lights let any nutrients that benefit a mung bean seed pass. Blue lighting isn't familiar to plants. Since the regular-colored light is the most natural, the color of lighting will affect the height of the mung beans.

4 Variables Independent Variable: The different colors of light: blue, green, red, and normal (clear). Dependent Variable: the height of mung beans (in cm) after a 13-day period Control Variables: type of soil, type of cup, type of bean (mung), amount of sunlight (from 7:30 am to 6:00pm), amount of water (15 mm/day), number of beans per cup, and number of holes in each colored film lid.

5 Materials

6 Data Table

7 Germinating Seeds

8 Pictures of Clear Plant Day 6 Day 13

9 Pictures of Green Plant Day 6Day 13

10 Pictures of red Day 6Day 13

11 Pictures of Blue Day 6Day 13

12 Video

13 Graph

14 Conclusion Different colored lighting does not effect the height of mung beans.

15 Thanks for watching!!!

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