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Evolution of Technology in the in the World of Water Monitoring.

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Presentation on theme: "Evolution of Technology in the in the World of Water Monitoring."— Presentation transcript:

1 Evolution of Technology in the in the World of Water Monitoring

2 Need to have the equipment to measure the desired parameters!!

3 Need a way of actually collect the water!!

4 And is some case you even need a boat!!

5 And if it all doesn’t fall perfectly in line, then you’ll need….

6 The newest greatest thing, but man does it hit the wallet and takes a rocket scientist to run in

7 New Toys, user friendly and “affordable”

8 Who needs a boat!!

9 With all this Technology at our disposal it has made water monitoring as easy as plug and play. This has let small organizations such as SCMI fill a need that was once only accomplished only by large environmental companies at a much greater cost. These new advance are also allowing educational institutions access in new areas of science.

10 Port of Los Angeles Water Monitoring

11 Pilot Dock Reclamation Dock Port of Los Angeles Water Monitoring Stations

12 Reclamation Dock

13 Port Pilot Dock




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