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Goal Setting Original Power Point Created by David West Modified by the GA Agriculture Education Curriculum Office July 2002.

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Presentation on theme: "Goal Setting Original Power Point Created by David West Modified by the GA Agriculture Education Curriculum Office July 2002."— Presentation transcript:

1 Goal Setting Original Power Point Created by David West Modified by the GA Agriculture Education Curriculum Office July 2002

2 Introduction If we decided to go to Turner Field, how would we get there? Walk, bus, train, or plane? Maps & directions? Follow the crowd? Any of the above!

3 What are Goals? Broad statements that show where you want to be after some period of time E.g. Make a profit every year Increase grain sales by 12% over 5 years

4 Discussion Goals and objectives for agribusiness can provide a “road map” to get you where you want to be. Objectives - broad statements and end results For example: Retire at ___ age Be debt free Become young farmer of the year Goals - small steps that combine to become an objective

5 Advantages of Using Goals They show where you are going. They make objective easier to reach. They prepare you for what the future will bring. They provide day to day focus- good reminders of what you are doing and why you are doing it.

6 Guidelines for Setting Goals Your own goals Goals in writing Realistic and attainable Target dates Time limits Goals should be compatible with each other

7 Disadvantages of Using Goals Takes time Difficult to come to grips with many goals. Some goals may conflict. Often people do not have confidence to set goals. Appears to waste time.

8 What are the Types of Goals? 1) Short Term Goals: attainable in less than 1 year 2) Intermediate Term Goals: 1 to 10 years 3) Long Term Goals: more than 10 years

9 Priorities of Goals Dollar Value - how much is it worth Time - is your time better spent on another goal? Keep in orderly sequence which keeps you from jumping from one to another.

10 Steps to Determining Your Goals 1. Set overall objective. 2. Break objective into parts. These are your goals. 3. Write them down and remember to follow them.

11 Include the Following Concepts Set your own. Don’t follow what you think your neighbor’s goals are. Keep goals realistic and obtainable. For example: Don’t plan on winning lottery to pay debt. Don’t set “pie in the sky” goals. It is okay to dream, but remember that it is just a dream.

12 Concepts cont. Set target date for goal accomplishment. Remember the person that is always talking about doing something, but nothing ever seems to get done. Make sure goals are compatible. Watch out for conflicts, especially with goals for the family or your personal goals.

13 How to Reach Your Goals Review goals annually (min) Use time and effort wisely Organize (things to do list) Check for slow moving goals Modify goals as resources change

14 How to Know When Goals Have Been Reached? Review what was written down when goals were set. Evaluate your current situation to see if you have met the goals set earlier. If goal has not been met, evaluate and decide on direction needed to attain that goal.

15 Conclusion If resources change, you may have to re- think some of your goals. Goal setting may be thought of as “Big Business,” but that is what you are involved in.

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