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Jackson: A Great President? Using your notes, handouts, and textbook: List at least 3 significant events from Jackson’s presidency. Evaluate if Jackson’s.

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2 Jackson: A Great President? Using your notes, handouts, and textbook: List at least 3 significant events from Jackson’s presidency. Evaluate if Jackson’s actions were a positive or negative in each. Decide if Jackson was a great president and worthy of the honor of appearing on our $20 bill Research and begin writing rough draft of your argumentative essay

3 Andrew Jackson: ‘A Great President’? Bank War Let the People Rule Role Model Nullification Crisis Treatment of Native Americans

4 Reasons for Jackson Being a Man of the People Role Model: Self Made Man (inspired others) – Early Life (poor & orphaned) to Wealth (lawyer/real estate) & Fame (War Hero/President) – Strong, Tough, & Determined Let the People Rule – Founded the Democratic Party – Expansion of Voting Rights – Spoils System: Gave ordinary Americans government jobs – The Kitchen Cabinet: Kept Jackson informed of the nation’s mood The Bank War – Sought to make it easier for ordinary Americans to borrow $ – Believed the Bank of US was undemocratic: only helped the rich – Believed the Bank was unconstitutional: only states could charter banks – Supported by most Americans: Reelected The Nullification Crisis – Opposes States’ Rights to ban the tariff – Showed that the U.S. is a nation of people not a collection of states – Prevented a Civil War with his strong stance (Force Bill)

5 Reasons Against Jackson Being A Man of the People Weakens the National (Federal) Government – He put many who were unqualified in positions of power (spoils system) – Government didn’t work properly & he needed the Kitchen Cabinet for Help – Acted like a King/Dictator in many cases (made decisions by himself) The Bank War – Let a personal grudge with Biddle cloud his judgment – Ignores the Supreme Court again (King Like) – The closure of the Bank caused an economic depression (Panic of 1837) Mistreated Native Americans, Women, & African Americans – Doesn’t enforce Supreme Court’s ruling in favor of the Cherokee (King Like & impeachable) – Supports States’ Rights in this case (hypocritical) compared to Nullification Crisis – Supports the Indian Removal Act – Causes the Trail of Tears & the Seminole War – All were discriminated against & denied Civil Rights such as the right to vote – Jackson personally owned over 100 slaves – Some Americans (Abolitionists as well as JQA) tried to win rights for minorities

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