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Newsletter March 2016 Contacts During sessions: - 01604 785123 Out of hours : - 07941 182487 - Newsletter

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Presentation on theme: "Newsletter March 2016 Contacts During sessions: - 01604 785123 Out of hours : - 07941 182487 - Newsletter"— Presentation transcript:

1 Newsletter March 2016 Contacts During sessions: - 01604 785123 Out of hours : - 07941 182487 Email: - Newsletter Spring Term Our topics for this half term are focused around the children’s interests and include Easter, and spring. Information regarding our themes and planned activities are displayed on the notice board in the corridor. New outdoor area This week the children have been using the new outdoor area. They have been making mud creations in the mud kitchen, music on our music wall and have managed to empty the full water butt in 2 days using the water to pour onto the water wall and in their mud pie creations! The sand pit has also been very popular with it being large enough for the children to climb into and the children have been learning to ride and scoot around on the various wheeled toys. The outdoor area has been very popular with all of the children, with some children wanting to play out in the morning and afternoon. We are providing a balanced curriculum inside and outside to cater for all children’s learning styles. Already we have noticed lots more social interactions between the children, problem solving opportunities have arisen as the children learn to build with planks and pallets, and access the water butt to fill watering cans to pour water onto the water wheel. We have heard lots of language being used as the children play together in the house making mud food and learn to take turns and work together using the bikes. This week we have begun to change the structure of the day so the children can begin to make independent choices about where they want to play, inside or outside, we are still incorporating snack, key group and circle time. Your child may seem a little more tired or even upset as change can be dealt with by children in different ways. As you can imagine with all this fun and fresh air your child may come home a little more dirty than usual, we do have a supply of wellington boots, warm coats, hats, scarves and gloves but would ideally like the children to bring in a waterproof suit or trousers of their own that they can wear outside, these would need to be named to prevent lost items. These do not have to be costly items, we have seen similar items for around £5.00 in home bargins stores, sports direct, boots, Debenhams, Amazon, Trespass the outdoor shop or on ebay or a selling site like facebook. If your child is able to bring in their own suit please encourage them to bring them into the main hall and put them in the box provided at the beginning of the session. Wanted: If anyone has any silicone cake cakes, kitchen scales,jelly moulds, cooling racks, bakeware, tin or melamine mugs we would welcome them as additions to our mud kitchen resources also to enhance our outdoor area we are looking for old broom handles, old door handles, baskets with handles, any off cuts of astro turf and a wooden ladder. Plans are underway for a grand opening of our outdoor area when the weather becomes a little warmer, details to follow soon.

2 Dates for your diary Thursday 3 rd March- World book day Bizzy Bears pyjama party Wednesday 16 th March – School leavers group photograph Monday 21 st March 9.15am and 12.30pm- Easter crafts open session Wednesday 23 rd and Thursday 24 th March – Easter bonnet parade and Pre school closes for Easter Monday 11th April – Pre school opens for Summer term World book day Thursday 3 rd March World book day celebrates the joy and value of books and reading. As part of World book day celebrations on Thursday 3 rd March, Children are welcome to come to Bizzy Bears dressed in their PJ’S and bring in their favourite story. Easter bonnet parade On Wednesday 23 rd March and Thursday 24 th March we will be having an Easter bonnet parade. Please can you help your child to make a bonnet at home or at Pre school. We will be holding art and craft open sessions on Monday 21 st March 9.15am – 9.45am and 12.30pm – 1.00pm for parents and children who wish to come in and make their bonnets. Parents Voice Thank you to all those parents who attended our recent parents voice meeting. We received some very positive feedback about the new Tapestry on line learning journals. We discussed venues for this years summer trip with parents suggesting alternative venues, we would like to gather all parents/carers views so have attached a questionnaire for parents to complete and return to Bizzy Bears. We also spoke to parents about our new outdoor area and explained that although we have received a grant for the build this money had been spent on the fencing £5,640, undercover area £8501.67, floor safety service £3234.00, play house and sand pit £2700.00. We discussed fundraising ideas to purchase further equipment for our new outdoor area and would like your ideas and views as part of our questionnaire. Policies We have reviewed our Lost child policy. Our policies and procedures are available to parents and carers and are located in the changing rooms and on our website. School leavers group photograph Tempest photography will be at Bizzy Bears on Wednesday 16 th March at 9.30am to take a group photograph of all our school leavers. If your child does not attend this session and will be going to school in September 2016 they are invited to at 9.30am to have their picture taken.

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