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NADO Conference 2003: Employing NMH through DSA. On-costs. Martin Smith. Brunel University. Complex Picture nationally. We are all doing things differently:

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Presentation on theme: "NADO Conference 2003: Employing NMH through DSA. On-costs. Martin Smith. Brunel University. Complex Picture nationally. We are all doing things differently:"— Presentation transcript:

1 NADO Conference 2003: Employing NMH through DSA. On-costs. Martin Smith. Brunel University. Complex Picture nationally. We are all doing things differently: some large, well established services, some small and recent. Maybe a large or small range of NMH roles undertaken. In-House and Agency run. Different levels of support from Managers, HR and Finance Departments. Guidance and Good Practice standards needed. M.Smith.Brunel University.

2 On-costs. Disability Directory for LEA Awards Officers: Fifth Edition. “4. Human Support. …Employing Support Workers. …The amount that is invoiced…may include a percentage of administration costs.” “Note that it is considered good practice for the university to employ the support worker on behalf of the disabled student, due to the complex responsibilities involved which students may be unaware of, such as tax, National Insurance and holiday pay”..(+others!) M.Smith.Brunel University.

3 On-costs. The Support Workers Scheme at Brunel University. 1999 - Start of Disability Service and of SW Scheme. First Note -Takers employed. Plugged into the CCPD/City Lit Hefce £ project to train more. Struggled to administer within small team – clear need for dedicated staffing to run this growing and complex scheme. 2003 - Now many staff (inc. SSSTs) with 9 Roles. Different pay rates, different JDs, etc. M.Smith.Brunel University.

4 On-costs. The Brunel Experience. Senior Accountant. 2002 - first of what will become annual calculations of the On-cost figure to be used for the following Academic year : Formula based on: Number of hours of SW done in year, plus an estimate for growth in demand for year ahead. From this the cost of Pay, National Insurance, Pension and Leave Payments is calculated, to this is added a figure for a contribution to the Administration costs of running the Scheme. Total to cover all was 50% on-costs for 02/03. M.Smith. Brunel University.

5 On-costs. The future… 50% was accepted by all as reasonable in 02/03. Senior Accountant will recalculate for 03/04 applying the formula to assess this. Learn from others. Some make a lump sum charge per student for Admin and a separate hourly rate charge to cover pay and some of fixed on-costs. Some charge more to cover all of admin costs. From our experience 50% is viable minimum. Contribute to NADO, DfES Working Groups on this – The goal must be to establish professional, high quality and adequately resourced schemes that supply the support disabled students need and which can cope with the complexities involved. M.Smith. Brunel University.

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