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Work and people with special needs mag.Zdenkica Stanec Samobor, Croatia 2013 god. Proposal for cooperation.

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Presentation on theme: "Work and people with special needs mag.Zdenkica Stanec Samobor, Croatia 2013 god. Proposal for cooperation."— Presentation transcript:

1 Work and people with special needs mag.Zdenkica Stanec Samobor, Croatia 2013 god. Proposal for cooperation

2 How to improve the competitiveness of people with disabilities in the labor market ?

3 Let us be aware of the obstacles to employment: 1.Negative perceptions - for example, the fear felt by employers that disabled employees will create more work for their supervisors. 2. Lack of external hiring support - the fact that employers will find very few resources on the outside that are available to help recruit the disabled. In addition, job applicants who are disabled “are often reluctant to self-identify as such, for fear that doing so will make bosses … less, rather than more, willing to hire them,” the policy brief states. 3. Lack of internal hiring support - which the brief says is often a budgetary problem arising from the fact that funds don’t exist for creating internal expertise in “hiring, accommodating and training people with disabilities.”

4 Institution for Vocational Rehabilitation and Employment of Persons with Disabilities, part URIHO, operating under the name of the 1996th year. The institution is the legal successor of the oldest sheltered workshops in Croatia, which operated under the name "Ivan č ica" and was founded in 1946. in Zagreb It should be noted that the URIHO first sheltered workshop in the Republic of Croatia with the ISO standard. Certificate of Quality Management System ISO 9001:2008, obtained for activity "Development and production of clothes and underwear" and "production of leather goods and footwear," and confirms compliance URIHO with strict international standards of quality business organization. This certificate is defined quality management system, the employer's responsibility, resource management, product realization, measurement and analysis. For customers URIHO of new products and services, and for its employees, the introduction of ISO standards means continuous improvement of quality, innovation, flexibility and satisfaction.

5 URIHO partners :

6 Mission URIHO the training and employment of persons with disabilities and other difficult -to-employ people, and finding new opportunities for their employment, creating a pleasant addition and stimulating work environment. This is achieved by employing people with disabilities by production units, in accordance with their abilities and aptitudes, and rehabilitation as part of the eponymous services provided through the program. The aim is to build a recognized name URIHO and Electric products in every business and thus achieve and maintain a rating of the most recognized institutions for the employment of people with disabilities in the Republic of Croatia. For the realization of the set goal it is necessary to the quality of our products and services provided to meet the needs and desires of customers. It must therefore continue to invest in technological equipment of our production units and related services. Should invest in education and training for their employees and develop a system of motivation of all personnel and particularly people with disabilities. Emphasis should be placed on vocational rehabilitation of persons with disabilities in order to develop socialization skills and conservation work. In order to maintain constant high level of quality should be improved tic introduced management system. In order to achieve greater efficiency in all areas of work we plan new Center Kajzerica. Mission Vision Strategy



9 On Thursday, September 26, 2013, during the "Weeks of the Centre for e–learning“, the Croatian Europortfolio Chapter was launched. Europortfolio Croatia is one of the first Europortfolio Chapters and it shares Europortfolio's mission and objectives. The aim of Europortfolio Croatia is to synthesise ePortfolio related work in Croatia, Slovenia, Serbia, Bosnia and Herzegovina and Macedonia to create a virtual meeting place for all ePortfolio practitioners, experts and interested parties from the region.

10 So open up new possibilities


12 Badge Europe Pledge your support for Badge Europe! Badge Europe is the new social and technology movement to capture recognition for learning that happens anywhere. Badge Europe supports Badge the World

13 2.What are your interests in Open Badges? 2.1.Design Open Badges 2.2.Deliver Open Badges 2.3.Exploit Open Badges 2.4.Develop Open Badges technologies 2.5.Research Open Badges 1.What is the title of initiative ?

14 3.What is the size of the Initiative? 3.1.N/A 3.2.<100 3.3.100 < 1,000 3.4.1,000 < 10,000 3.5.10,000 < 100,000 3.6.> 100,000

15 4.What is the scope of the initiative? 4.1.Personal 4.2.Organisational 4.3.City-wide 4.4.Regional 4.4.National 4.5.International

16 5.Describe your interests in Open badges and how you would like to contribute to / benefit from the Badge Europe initiative? 5.1.What is the institution? 5.2.Place of the initiative? 5.3.Location name 5.4.City 5.5.Country

17 6. In wich domain(s) do you intend to use Open Badges? 6.1. Education / lifelong learning 6.2.Kindergarten 6.3.Primary Education 6.4.Secondary Education 6.5.General Education 6.5.Vocational Education 6.6.Tertiary Education 6.7.Further Education 6.8.Higher Education 6.9.Teacher Training 6.10.Adult education

18 6.11.Vocational Training 6.12.Corporate Training 6.13.Informal Learning 6.14.Special Needs Education 6.15.Learning Technology Provider 6.17.Research 6.18.Employment 6.19.Self-employment 6.20.Entrepreneurship 6.21.Social Inclusion

19 What are the priority areas for funding? 1.Development of technology 2.Furnishing work units and related services 3.Employee Education 4.Construction of the New center

20 Thank you for your attention Look forward to future cooperation More on the above issues to:

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