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 Welcome!  Class of 2018 Graduation Requirements  College Readiness  Tips for Success.

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Presentation on theme: " Welcome!  Class of 2018 Graduation Requirements  College Readiness  Tips for Success."— Presentation transcript:


2  Welcome!  Class of 2018 Graduation Requirements  College Readiness  Tips for Success

3 Your student’s support team:  Administration  Teachers  School Counselors  Support Staff  Coaches  Club Advisors  Gordy Guides

4 High School CoursesH.S. Graduation4-year college admissions/minimum Language Arts4 years Social Studies3 years Math3 years3+ years (Algebra 3-4) Science2 years2+ years (lab science) Occupational Ed.1 year Fine Arts1 year Physical Education2 years Health0.5 World Language not required but can be elective credits 2 years Electives6 creditsfocus on college/ career goals

5  Must meet standard on the following state exams before graduation: › Language Arts Exit Exam › Math Exit Exam › Biology Exit Exam  Community Service (20 hours total)  Culminating Project & HS Beyond Plan


7 What is “ college-ready” ? Hazen students will graduate prepared to pursue higher education!  Earn all credits, earn strong grades  Select rigorous classes (Ex: Honors, Advanced Placement, Running Start, More Core)  Extra- curricular activities  Career exploration opportunities

8  H.E.L.P.: Mon – Thurs, 2:05-3:00, Library  NHS Peer Tutors: Thursdays, Room 134  Students may schedule after-school appointments with individual teachers  Get organized! Stay organized!  Parents & students checking grades through Skyward Family Access each week (Skyward Info Sessions Tonight in Computer Labs * Your Skyward Login available in Hazen Commons)  Turn in all assignments  Good attendance

9  Academic support & Graduation planning  College planning & Career development  Personal/Social issues  Problem solving strategies & support  Course selection/Scheduling

10 Mrs. Christi Leick: A – E Department Chair (425) 204-4217 Mrs. Brenda Day: F – Li 204-4218 Mr. Brian Creeley: Lo – Ri 204-4276 Mrs. Erin Palmer: Ro – Z 204-4219

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